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  • Subject is exactly "Gender Norms"

"Housekeeping in Rome," Charleston Daily News, Dec 25, 1869

1869. Charleston News. Housekeeping in Rome. Omeka.pdf
Originally published in the Philadelphia Bulletin, Brewster writes about how to live comfortably in Rome, differentiating between more and less affluent people. The article gives a graphic "short sketch of life in Rome" and reads like a guide to an…

Ladies Home Journal

Ladies Home Journal.pdf
Ladies Home Journal is a monthly American women's magazine first published by the Curtis Publishing Company of Philadelphia in 1883. Besides short and serial fictional stories, the magazine is devoted to any issues related to home life. It contains…

Good Housekeeping

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Good Housekeeping is an American women's magazine first published in Massachusetts in 1885. The magazine aims "to produce and perpetuate perfection [...] as may be attained in the household" and provides its readers with recipes, health advice, and…


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Cosmopolitanis an American women's magazine launched by the Schlicht & Field Company in 1886. It focuses on issues related to fashion, household decor, cooking, and other domestic interests. Over the years, serialized fiction, book reviews,…


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Vogue is an American magazine founded by Arthur Baldwin Turnure in 1892 as a weekly high-society journal. It primarily focuses on New York City's social elite and covers news of the local social scene as well as reviews plays, books, and music. The…

Harper’s Bazaar

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Harper's Bazaar is an American magazine founded by Harper & Brothers in New York in 1867. On the cover of its inaugural issue, the magazine describes itself as "a repository of fashion, pleasure, and instruction."Inspired by the Berlin magazine…

Godey's Lady's Book

Godey's Lady's Book.pdf
Godey's Lady's Book, later known as Godey's Magazine, is an American magazine devoted to women's issues and is first published by L.A. Godey in 1830 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.In 1837, Sarah Josepha Hale becomes the editor of Godey's Lady's Book.…

"How Charlotte Cushman Came to Play 'Nancy Sykes,'" The Superior Times, Oct 26, 1878

1878. Superior_Times_Sat__Oct_26.pdf
The reprint from Brewster's article for the Boston Advertiser speaks to Cushman’s performance as Nancy Sykes before she went to England. It is a glowing review and covers Cushman’s financial precarity and beginning of her career. The article is…

"A Dish of Italian Scandal," Chicago Tribune, Oct 18, 1872

1872. Chicago_Tribune_Fri__Oct_18. Italian Scandal.pdf
This reprint of a Boston Adertiser Letter by Brewster recounts a quarrel between the Saxon Duchess Marguerite and King Victor Emmanuel. Credit

"Fair Women," Godey's Lady's Book, Dec 1894 to May 1895

Fair Women.pdf
"Fair Women" is a column in Godey's Lady's Books that features some of society's most remarkable women who wield beauty, charm, and intellect. It recounts powerful female historical figures such as Cleopatra and Mary Queen of Scots and comments on…

"Editorial," Godey's Lady's Book, Feb 1894 to July 1894

"Editorial" is a column in Godey's Lady's Book that comments on all kinds of issues such as class, politics, gender norms, philosophy, or social events.The included file only serves as an example illustration of the column. Credit HathiTrust…

"The Search Light," Godey's Lady's Book, [Oct] 1892 to Jan 1894

The Search Light.pdf
"The Search Light" is a column in Godey's Lady's Book and the successor to the column "Godey's Arm-Chair." Its purpose is to direct the readers "to all points of the world", keep them informed about any societal strides, and instruct them in…

"Godey's Fashions," Godey's Lady's Book, Oct 1892 to Dec 1897

Godey's Fashions (1).pdf
"Godey's Fashions" is a column in Godey's Lady's Book that demonstrates the latest fashion trends for women, exemplified by various, partially colored, portrait plates and detailed illustrations. The portraits often consist of some of society’s…

"Godey's Arm-Chair," Godey's Lady's Book, May 1852 to [June] 1892

Godey's Arm-Chair (1).pdf
"Godey's Arm-Chair", later known as "Our Arm Chair", is a column in Godey's Lady's Book that covers a variety of topics, ranging from literary reviews to local news to lifestyle advice. The column is superseded by "The Search Light" in October…

"Editors' Table," Godey's Lady's Book, Jan 1840 to Dec 1877

Editor's Table 1.pdf
"Editor's Table" is a column in Godey's Lady's Book that covers a vast variety of topics, often relating to women's issues in some way. Recurring topics include book recommendations and literary reviews, short biographies of public figures and…

Reprint of Greenwood Letter, Buffalo Morning Express and Illustrated Buffalo Express, July 14, 1852

1852. Buffalo_Morning_Express_and_Illustrated_Buffalo_Express. GG and Lind.pdf
This note reprints a part of a Greenwood letter to the National Era. Greenwood recalls her passage to Liverpool, on which she observed Jenny Lind, the Swedish actress. Credit

Greenwood Employment, National Era, Nov 28, 1850

1850. The_National_Era. Greenwood employment.pdf
The National Era reprints a note in which Greenwood's employment for the said paper is announced. Credit

Letter from Anne Brewster to Mary Howell, Dec 4, 1864

ABP 27 10 Letter to Howell, Dec 4, 1864. Omeka.pdf
Anne Brewster comments on her social duties: "I love a little society just a little, but if that society demand too much of me I must give it up for I can only receive & take so much."Brewster mentions her correspondence with Charlotte Cushman.…

Letter from Anne Brewster to Mary Howell, July 26, 1864

ABP 27 10 Letter to Howell, July 26, 1864.pdf
Brewster writes about meeting a bishop, other encounters, and her novel St. Martin's Summer. She does not plan on working in the summer and fall as she is "living enjoying existence." Brewster mentions the Boston Athenaeum and the Atlantic Monthly,…

Letter from Anne Brewster to Mary Howell, July 8, 1864

ABP 27 10 Letter to Howell, July 8, 1864.pdf
Anne Brewster describes the fiancé of her cousin Frank as a "well-posé person" whose manners she feels drawn to. She adds: "Had I been alone with her I should have kissed her [inserted] but I would not take a liberty with her before any one for fear…