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  • Tags: women's jobs

Emma Stebbins to Anne Whitney, August 5, 1879

Stebbins tells Whitney how happy she is that their friendship still remains to this day and that Anne Whitney keeps up the correspondence. She then responds to Whitney's comments on art and how hard it is to learn from mistakes in sculpture since one…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mrs Creswick, Feb 7, 1841

JLP 5 Copied Correspondance.pdf
This is the second letter included in the correspondence between Harold Moulton and Jennie Lorenz. In this letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mrs Creswick in Boston, Cushman voices her concern about various theatres which are struggling financially.…

"Personal and Pertinent" and "Wants Woman's Department," New York Age, 23 Feb. 1889

1889_New_York_Age_February_23_1889_Lillian Lewis work for Boston Herald.pdf
This page from The New York Age contains a letter to the editor by a female reader who would like to see Getrude Mossell's column "Woman's Department" made a permanent feature of the newspaper. Under "Personal and Pertinent," readers find short…

"Our Literary Women" and "Personal," The Freeman, Jan 5, 1889

1889_Freeman__January_5_1889_Literary Colored Women of America.pdf
This excerpt from The Freeman shows, on the left, a feature on "The Literary Colored Women of America" written by Gertrude Mossell (including illustrations of Josephine Heard, Ida B. Wells, Mary Ella Mossell, and Francis Ellen Watkins Harper) and, on…

"Young Ladies of Boston," The New York Age, May 12, 1888

1888_New_York_Age_May_12_1888_Lillian Lewis.pdf
This account of the "varied array of feminine talent" found in Boston includes a detailed portrait of journalist Lillian A. Lewis. The author praises her work as a society editor and connects it implicitly to her talents as a…

"Some Race Doings," Cleveland Gazette, March 23, 1889

Cleveland_Gazette__March_23_1889_Lillian Lewis.pdf
Reprint from The New York Age in Cleveland Gazette, here given the headline "Some Race Doings," which offers a wide variety of news concerning prominent Black artists and writers – such as opera singer Madam Selika and gossip columnist (here called…

"Our Woman's Department," New York Freeman, Jan 9, 1886

1886_New_York_Freeman__January_9_Mossell_Womens Department. Edmonia Lewis mentioned.pdf
This is an exemple of of Gertrude Mossell's "Our Woman's Department," written for New York Freeman, one of the earliest advice columns specifically dedicated to Black women. Above each version, Mossell informs her readers that this column "will be…

"The Way of The World New School of Theology," Colored American Magazine, Dec 1, 1904

African American Periodicals, 1825-1995_gossip as bridging gap between races.pdf
This column with three entries reports on: the re-election of EC Morris as the president of the National Baptist Convention, the largest religious organization among persons of color, at its Austin session; the establishment of the "Frederick Douglas…

"Women as Journalists" - Feature in The Freeman. A National Colored Weekly Newspaper, Feb 23, 1889.

1889_Freeman__February_23_Women as  Journalists (p. 4).pdf
The article, marked as a reprint from The New York Journalist, describes several Black women's careers and achievements as journalists, among them Gertrude Mossell and Lillian A. Lewis. Author Lucy Wilmot Smith begins by highlighting the neglect of…

Gertrude Mossell

Gertrude Mossell, also known as Mrs. N.F. Mossell (1855-1948), was one of the most influental Black female journalists and editors of the late nineteenth century. She wrote, among others, for Indianapolis World, Woman's Era, Colored American…

Lillian A. Lewis

Lillian A. Lewis was one of the first women to make a name for herself as a columnist in Black newspapers. Her Column "They Say" appeared first in The Boston Advocate throughout the 1880s. In the 1890s, she became "the society editress of the Boston…

Harriet Hosmer's "The Doleful Ditty of the Roman Caffe Greco"

Doleful Ditty from Carr_Harriet Hosmer.pdf
Hosmer writes a "witty" poem, as Cornelia Carr describes it in her edition of Hosmer's letters, about the patriarchal culture of male sculptors in Rome. The poem is published in the New York Evening Post in the summer of 1864. Credit Internet…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Jane Welsh Carlyle, Jan 28, 1862

NLS, ms1774, ff 227, Charlotte Cushman to Jane Welsh Carlyle, Jan 28, 1862.pdf
Charlotte Cushman is worried about Jane Carlyle's illness. She also mentions her own and Stebbins's illness as well as political unrest and democratic endeavors in Europe. Credit National Library of Scotland

"Rome – Foreign Correspondence of the Boston Post," Boston Post, February 23, 1867

1867_Boston Post, Feb 23, 1867, p. 1 NewspaperArchive_Cushman Hosmer Rome Riding.pdf
A short excerpt from this long report on the US American art market in Rome – the part in which Hosmer and Cushman are described as expert riders whose muscular physique would make men envious – is subsequently reprinted in a number of newspapers,…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr. Danop, Oct 16, 1863

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Oct 16, 1863.pdf
Cushman verifies Oct 27 as the date for her charity performance. She has prepared the roles of Lady Macbeth and Meg Merrilees. Credit New York Public Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Henry C. Willard, Nov 22, 1871

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Nov 22, 1871.pdf
Willard has asked Cushman to do a reading of Shakespeare's Henry VIII in Brattleboro in January. She demands $500 for five nights in advance. Credit New York Public Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Henry C. Willard, Dec 8, 1871

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Dec 8, 1871.pdf
Cushman has arranged to come to Brattleboro on Dec 22. She asks Willard for advice on which railway to take from New Haven to Brattleboro and back. Credit New York Public Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Henry C. Willard, Dec 2, 1871

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Dec 2, 1871.pdf
Cushman is uncertain whether she will be able to come to Brattleboro on Dec 21 or 22, as her engagement at the theatre is taking up all her time. Credit New York Public Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie Sully [?], Nov 9, [1845]

CCP 7, 2287-2291, CC to 'dear friend'.pdf
Cushman describes how strenuous her latest performance of Fazio has been as she had to contend with a "cold audience" and the lacking performance of a fellow actor. But Rosalie's note, which she kept hidden "next her heart" during the play, gave her…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 28, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to ECC 1865, Aug 28.pdf
Cushman is glad to hear that Emma, Ned, and their baby are in good health. She is, however, worried about the baby striking his head when he learns to walk and asks Emma to inquire a doctor about some medicine as a precaution. She should also ask…