Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 28, 1865

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 28, 1865


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Cushman is glad to hear that Emma, Ned, and their baby are in good health. She is, however, worried about the baby striking his head when he learns to walk and asks Emma to inquire a doctor about some medicine as a precaution. She should also ask about the medicine Emma Stebbins usually receives for her "fits of despondency."
Cushman has acquired a temperate mare for Ned, which she will take off his hands should he not be interested.
Furthermore, Cushman asks Emma to hand Harriet Hosmer's photographs from Rome over to Wayman or Uncle Charles.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 3: 809-812





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[809] a pouring wet day. my darling daughter.  & having got my walk & my drink this morning at Low [?] Harrogate. & my breakfast after my return home - & finished my letter to Mrs Blagden (who by the bye enquires very kindly for you in her letter of the 12" Aug.) I cannot do better then at last commence a letter to you. my truest darling. who never fails & very rarely indeed disappoints me. Yours of the 25". reached me safely the next night — your letters always come in the evening — I am rejoiced to hear you say that they all think you are getting fat. This is well. providing the fat is healthy fat. and that darling babs. should be getting fat too despite of his teeth is a rare comfort to me. your description of his manner of propelling himself towards his soup. amuses me very much & proves that like his father he is going to make "a very valiant Trencher Man". I am very glad you are giving him soup. all forgive children — especially +++ are brought up on soup. The little Tiltons all their baby days — though they had wonderful

[809 reverse] +++ of +++. were brought up on soup. I  am so glad he is such a happy merry little fellow. we will try to keep his baby & childhood days always happy & merry. nor by +++ his wants. her +++ her +++  troubles or hurts too much to heart. will +++ not. he is coming to his troublesome +++ & when he begins to walk. will cause you +++ anxiety. Margaret Howards [sic] baby lost his [?] balance one day while we were there & came down with such a whack on the back of his [?] head that made me almost sick. +++ pour little fellow was quite sick after +++ some days. I wish you would ask +++ when you see him some day. what you +++ to give Baby. if he falls down & strikes the back [?] of his head. expecially if he is sleepy after which often happens to large heads [?] +++ and will you ask him. if he remembers what the medicine was. which he used to [?] give Aunt Emma when she got into her fits of despondency. he will remember it was a gnawing at the upper +++ & a nervous irritation which made her

[810] +++ & pick her fingers & then came a +++ feel slough of despond! — Give Franco my kindest love I hope to see him when I pass through Paris. to see if he can "minister to a mind diseased". Has Ned done anything about his Eye? The pains you talked of in +++ +++ +++ in the right side. was liver pain. from changing his style of eating & cooking & eating most likely much more than was good for him. I am glad to hear he was better when you wrote. I suppose I shall hear whether you think he will come with wayman. if so. I shall see him I hope. I have bought that mare I told you of. & she is splendid he will have no difficulty with her on the score [?] of her being a mare. if he does I will take her off his hands & pay him what I have given for me. +++. 60 pounds. & she is worth double. I had concluded the bargain before I recd your letter saying he did not want a mare. but I am satisfied about her. She is most temperate. By +++ from a nearby Politician [?] President grandam [?] by old President. 3 crosses of blood. She is 15.2 high

[810 reverse] bright bay with black points. 5 years old +++ +++ +++ halfbreed. with a very blood [?] like look about her. grand [?] shoulder. very  +++. particularly well spoken of +++ very fast. +++. beautiful +++ perfect wind. extraordinary fast walker. a real +++ genuine article!! however as I said before of when he has her out. he is [illegible, crossed out] made uncomfortable on account of any awkwardness arising from her being a mare. I will take her off his hands. Dont [sic] depend on any thing Hattie says. she has all her ideas from John. who dont [sic] believe in anything what anybody does. but himself. Perhaps you had better say nothing to Hattie. about the merits [?] of the mare. I will tell you why +++ I see +++. I should rather she did not know the horse had any very fast capacities as I believe we shall make out of +++ if we let her run for the staple chase at the races. what she has cost but keep +++ quiet about that! The clothing for her +++ cost £15.0 – Saddle complete £5.50.

[811] Hunting Bridle. bit & +++ £1.8.0. Breastplate or strap for keeping saddle in place in +++ - 12/6. Kneecaps for handling 5/6. & leather for wrapping up her tail [?] something like 3/6. shall I get the +++ from the best maker in Yorkshire. +++ says better & cheaper than London. I am so glad you have found some one to take +++ place in the dressmaking here. I shall be very thankful to know of her & you must give me her address for fear of accident. Your silk dress was very cheap at 130 francs — if the silk was good for any thing— Miss Willis here at 72. Rue Faubourg St Honore but she was at +++ when I was in Paris. I am sure she will be just the person to tell you of what you want. I wish your father would let you have +++ with you. you know there is a bed room for her & Miss Winston [?] & you can have a +++ +++ who we all know very well. but you must not press 

[811 reverse] you might +++ responsibility. which you could repeat. Let them +++ Paris this +++. & then [?] go [?] to you in +++ next I am +++. & go back with you to Italy next winter [?] when +++ +++ could go home. I +++  +++ +++ +++ . I dont [sic] think of any one who could help [?] you to there [?] so well as Miss +++. suppose you write to her & the letter will be forwarded. & she is not in Paris. By the way. Dr Franco might tell you of some place. about Hatties +++ darling. I told you I think a +++ [illegible, crossed out, inserted] +++ +++ for breakfast & a +++ for +++. all +++ - like those which you [illegible, crossed out] had as possible. +++ handles &. +++ +++ & +++ +++ & stop +++. & tea plates — Aunt Emma will be very much obliged if you will find an opportunity of sending to her the photograph which Hattie brought from Rome if not before. will you send them by Wayman when he comes. if Ned dont [sic] come & you will write your Uncle Charles to go & meet him & see him on his way to +++ he will do it. & then your Uncle Charles will

[812] take charge of the photos for aunt Emma. You are also to ask Hattie with my love if she will kindly let Aunt Em know where she bought that +++ syringe [?] which she took from London last autumn. and she wants to know if Hattie recd the letter she wrote & sent to +++ for her. in answer to the one Hattie wrote her about her pony's death. & why she has not answered in any time during the +++ since. Ever my kind love to your father & mother Do you know whether +++ Hitchcock got my letter. sent to the Grand Hotel. where is he now? I am looking for +++ +++ +++ today though the earn [?] is terrible. we have had such lovely weather for these last few days it has quite put us out of having bad weather. Maryant [?] Howard & her husband are coming over here for a week I believe — she is in great danger of losing him. I fear! Miss Rodick & Miss John are coming over +++ the latter part of this week & I believe


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


High Harrogate, Yorkshire, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 28, 1865,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed September 15, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/927.

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