Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Jane Welsh Carlyle, Jan 28, 1862

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Jane Welsh Carlyle, Jan 28, 1862


Political Affairs
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Charlotte Cushman is worried about Jane Carlyle's illness. She also mentions her own and Stebbins's illness as well as political unrest and democratic endeavors in Europe.


National Library of Scotland


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


NLS, ms1774, 227-228





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[227] Rome Jany 28th 1862
How shall I tell you, dear, that I have been sad to death over your illness, that I have wanted to write to you, but could not, for many reasons? What comfort can I bring you who have no power Even at this distance to bring you healing of any kind? Tell me — can I serve[?] you? Mrs Dilberoghue says you have been ill — too ill to send me a note & I have been longing for some word — are you better? I had hoped the winter would be friendly to you. & that you would heal[?], but you must have begun Early. & I have the sorrow to love you & not be able to keep you! Can you not write a little pencil note. just a word & Enclose it to my brother — who will send it

[227 reverse] to me in one of his letters — a word under your own hand will bless me! For myself — after coming to Rome, I was, for a time very very poorly with cold & cough. towards the end of the year I had relief from that. but have suffered with neuralgia & rheumatism since. I am now mending from both. Miss Stebbins has been ill for a month, enough to make me anxious & troubled[?] she is now mending & my cares seem lifting. if I could know you were better & not suffering I should be happier. I sent a +++ parcel to you for New Years [sic] day by a package which was sent off hurriedly — too hurriedly to admit of my sending a word of loving greeting[?] — but I fully intended sending a note immediately after — day after day I was prevented, until it was too late. & now this[?] question comes merely to ask if you had a little Roman scarf on New Years [sic] days — just

[228] to remind you that the Eternal city +++ one, who thought of, & wished to be remembered by you. I heard of Emily Ashrush[?] through the Munroes who found her very happy in her new association Poor soul. I pray that it may continue for the way has been hard enough. & I see that Madame Mans[?] has been +++ in England upon the Italian question. When will women learn how little they can do. in such ways?  The Italian cause. moves as the master in Paris wills[?]. Rome — is I fear — many years from being the capital of a United Italy. The democratic element is in the ascendant through all the world — just at the moment. but in Europe — this democracy is content to be constitutional How very near we seemed to blows. at one time. but it is postponed. It may be a long day. but it will come surely. I find my people stirred to their souls. at the evident sympathy with our rebels. which exists [sic] among you. We are slowly but surely carrying one way. & if England will let us alone. we shall arrive at the goal sooner & the world be spared much bloodshed. but I despair sometimes — & think that England

[228 reverse] wont [sic] let us alone & that she is thankful to have found a chance to occupy all this immense +++ & navy she has been so long collecting & will make excuses for interfering when we do come to blows — I shall choose my English for fighting with. & you shall be first. I Could be content to be whipped by you & kiss your hands. Oh how long before I shall see you not until the end of June I fear — as Miss Stebbins [sic] work may detain her until then but I shall hurry,  do, do send me a little word — if only in pencil [illegible, crossed out] to Mr Cushman Law Fire Insurance office. Chaucery Lane. & he will forward it to me. God ever bless you — dear. & make you well. prays Ever. Your faithfully loving

Charlotte Cushman


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 1801-1866


Rome, Italy

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Jane Welsh Carlyle, Jan 28, 1862,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/955.

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