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  • Subject is exactly "Gender Norms"

Adrienne Hope (1866)

A novel written by Matilda M. Hays

Rosalie Sully

Portrait of Rosalie Sully ("The Student")
Rosalie and Charlotte are in a relationship from 1843 until 1845. Rosalie is the daughter of Thomas Sully who once painted the actress. She dies on July 8, 1847, in Philadelphia.

Harriet Goodhue Hosmer

Harriet Goodhue Hosmer
Harriet Hosmer is one of the most well-known sculptors of the nineteenth century, esp. for The Sleeping Faun and Zenobia in Chains. Besides her art, she is most well known for masculine attire and activities. Both her father, "Dr." Hiram Hosmer, and…

Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury

Geraldine Jewsbury (left) and Jane Welsh Carlyle (right), April 1855
She writes several novels, among which Half Sisters (1848) is her most famous one. It comments on Victorian society and gender norms. The character Bianca, an actress who is half Italian, is said to be loosely based on Charlotte Cushman with whom…

Romeo and Juliet Performance, Haymarket Theatre, London, Dec 30, 1845

Charlotte Cushman performs as Romeo and her sister takes over the role of Juliet.Cushman's performance as Romeo is generally met with wild enthusiasm. There were, however, also critical voices, among them Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855). Mitford was…

Howitt's The Miss Cushmans (1846)

1846. People's Journal. NYPL Stead Article. Howitt about Cushmans.pdf
In this biographical article, Mary Howitt recounts events from Charlotte Cushman's life and emphasizes her personal virtues, her talent on stage and the struggles she faced in her career. She describes Cushman's long and painful struggle to success,…

Stillman's The Autobiography of a Journalist (1901), Vol. 1

Stillman_The Autobiography of a Journalist v.1.pdf
Charlotte Cushman is mentioned on pages 359-365.Cushman and her "clique" (365) included Miss Stebbins, Harriet Hosmer, "and one or two others of lesser fame" (359).He states that she used her fame or even Stillman (critic) to denounce other sculptors…

Letter from Ned Cushman to Susan Muspratt, n.d. [before June, 1854]

CCP 10.3145-3146 Ned to Susan, April 1857 - Omeka File.pdf
In this letter, Ned Cushman mentions Hays and Charlotte Cushman's friendship ("friends"). He tells his mother about financial concerns and gossip-related incidents both at the Naval Academy as well as the dangers for girls at boarding…

"Letters from the Capital," by Grace Greenwood, National Era, 1852

1852. National Era. Greenwood about CC.pdf
Grace Greenwood offers a glowing review of Cushman's performances in Washington, D.C. (as Romeo and Rosalind respectively) that stresses the sexual undertones of her audience's attraction to the actress (e.g. "She compells your half-bewildered…

Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Mrs Stowe and Her Neighbors in Rome," Lowell Daily Citizen and News, July 23, 1860

1860. Beecher Stowe, Harriet_Rome Neighbors_Lowell_Daily_Citizen_and_News__July_23_1860.pdf
Originally, the article was published in the New York Independent on July 12, 1860. Stowe describes social gatherings in Via Gregoriana in Rome. She explicitly mentions Cushman's household, Stebbins, and Hosmer, who are living together. The short…

Cobbe's Italics: Brief Notes on Politics, People and Places in Italy (1864)

Cobbe_Italics. Brief notes on politics, people, and places in Italy, in 1864 excerpt1.pdf
Among others, the text mentions Hosmer and Cushman. Cobbe describes the Cushman household as a "women club." Credit Hathi Trust

Macready's Diary – Cushman mentions (edited by Toynbee, 1912)

Macready's Diary Screenshot.JPG
The diary entries depict an interesting dynamic between Macready's and Cushman's relationship. There is no diary entry from the beginning of January, 1844, when Cushman published her poem about Macready in the Anglo American Journal. Usually,…

Vandenhoff's Leaves from an Actor's Note-Book; With Reminiscences and Chit-Chat of the Green-Room and the Stage, in England and America (1860)

Vandenhoff's Leaves from an Actor's Note-Book; With Reminiscences and Chit-Chat of the Green-Room and the Stage, in England and America (1860).pdf
Same text but different page no. published as Dramatic Reminiscences; or, Actors and Actresses in England and America (1860, London, T. W. Cooper).The autobiographical text was translated by A. v. Winterfeld and published in German as Blätter aus dem…

Letter from Jane Carlyle to Charlotte Cushman, Jan 31, 1862

CCP Box 16, Jane Carlyle Jan 1862.pdf
Jane Carlyle, who had earlier expressed jealousy over Geraldine Jewsbury's attachment to Charlotte Cushman (see, e.g. a 1846-letter to her aunt Jeannie Welsh), here details her deep and sudden affection for Cushman upon finally meeting…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, May 11, 1865

CC to ECC, May 11, 1865 - LoC, CCP, Box 2,787-790 -2.pdf
Charlotte writes about Lincoln's assassination and its impact on her and people she knows. Additionally, she tells Emma Crow Cushman about guests who stayed in her house that were not particularly welcome. Most of all, this letter is about…

New York Times, Stebbins and Cushman, Aug 31, 1860

The author of this article mentions a "peculiar intimacy" between Stebbins and Cushman.

Byrne's Gossip of the Century: Personal and Traditional Memories (1892)

Byrne_Gossip of the Century, Vol. 1 (1892).pdf
A retrospective account of Cushman as actress and of her private life: The Memories serve as a good example for how the public image changes after Cushman's death and her success as an actress is being forgotten step by step.Gossip of the Century…