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  • Tags: travel/touring

"Provincial Theatres and Gossip", Era, Aug 2, 1846

1846. The Era. Gossip in Title.pdf
This short entry reports the news that Charlotte and Susan Cushman are about to make limited appearances in the Surrey Theatre. Credit The British Library Newspapers,Gale Digital Collections

"Personal," Lowell Daily Citizen and News, March 26 1864

1864. GG as Lecturer in Army, Omeka.pdf
A report stating that Greenwood visited the Potomac army and is due to give four lectures to "large audiences". Credit Readex: America's Historical Newspapers

"MISS CUSHMAN", Glasgow Herald, Jun 4, 1858

1858. Glasgow Herald. CC observed.pdf
This article reports that Charlotte Cushman and Susan Cushman Muspratt were present at the President's levee at Washington and had been received by the President with "marked attention". They had also been invited to dinner at homes of "others of the…

"Miss Cushman's Romeo", Era, June 21, 1846

1846. The Era. Shakespeare Second Class.pdf
This article is a detailed review of Charlotte Cushman's performance as Romeo. The critic expresses his dislike for the performance and deems it far from satisfactory. Cushman is criticized for failing to embody the youth and character of Romeo…

"Miss Charlotte Cushman," Gleason's Pictorial Drawing Room Companion [1851]

1851. Gleasons Pictorial Drawing Room Companion - taken from NYPL T. Walsh Coll. CC Misc.pdf
The article traces Cushman's rise to success in Europe, mentioning her tours with Macready and the social circle she has formed: "In private life, she has won many warm and influential friends. Among the British aristocracy, her purity of diction and…

"Literature and Art," Chicago Press and Tribune, Feb 9, 1860

Stebbins returns with Cushman to the United States Credit ProQuest

"How Charlotte Cushman Came to Play 'Nancy Sykes,'" The Superior Times, Oct 26, 1878

1878. Superior_Times_Sat__Oct_26.pdf
The reprint from Brewster's article for the Boston Advertiser speaks to Cushman’s performance as Nancy Sykes before she went to England. It is a glowing review and covers Cushman’s financial precarity and beginning of her career. The article is…

"Housekeeping in Rome," Charleston Daily News, Dec 25, 1869

1869. Charleston News. Housekeeping in Rome. Omeka.pdf
Originally published in the Philadelphia Bulletin, Brewster writes about how to live comfortably in Rome, differentiating between more and less affluent people. The article gives a graphic "short sketch of life in Rome" and reads like a guide to an…

"Haymarket Theatre", Caledonian Mercury, Jan 5, 1846

1846. Caledonian Mercury. Romeo Performance.pdf
This article reviews the performances of Charlotte Cushman and her sister Susan Cushman in a production of Romeo and Juliet at the Haymarket Theatre in London. It discusses how their performances provided a unique, passionate interpretation of the…

"Foreign Intelligence", Manchester examiner and times, May 29, 1852

1852. Manchester Times. Finances and Farewell.pdf
This short entry reports on Charlotte Cushman's earnings from her professional tour in the United States, after which she would revisit England before retiring from stage. Credit The British Library Newspapers,Gale Digital Collections

"Foreign Intelligence", Liverpool Mercury, Jun 1, 1852

1852. Liverpool Mercury. Reprint of Farewell Address.pdf
This one-line entry, under news from the United States, states that Charlotte Cushman has retired from her theatrical engagements and is about to return to England. Credit The British Library Newspapers,Gale Digital Collections

"Foreign Intelligence", Belfast News-Letter, Jun 30, 1852

1852. Belfast Newsletter. CC Hays and Vandenhoff on their way to Europe - Omeka.pdf
This short entry, under the section on the United States, reports that Charlotte Cushman along with Miss Hayes and George Vandenhoff are on the passenger list of the Asia. Credit The British Library Newspapers,Gale Digital Collections

"Foreign Gossip," Detroit Free Press, June 7, 1869

1869. Detroit Free Press. Brewster Foreign Gossip- American Artists in Rome.pdf
"Foreign Gossip" is a column in theDetroit Free Press thatgives accounts of any political, cultural, or social news abroad. Anne Brewster has contributed reports from Rome as a correspondent.The included file only serves as an example illustration of…

"Fashionable Intelligence", Freeman's Journal, Sept 19, 1850

1850. Freemans Journal. Transatlantic power of steam.pdf
This short entry under the section "Fashionable Intelligence," reports that Charlotte Cushman performed on stage in Liverpool, and that just a fortnight after, she will be performing at Niblo's Garden, miles away. It states that this was made…

"Current Gossip," Chicago Tribune, Aug 23, 1875 to Aug 7, 1887

1877. Chicago Daily Tribune. Brewster Column.pdf
"Current Gossip" is a column in the Chicago Tribune that gives accounts of any political, cultural, or social news. Anne Brewster has contributed reports from Rome as a correspondent.The included file only serves as an example illustration of the…

"Charlotte Cushman's First Appearance in England," Harper's Bazaar, March 18, 1876

1876. Harpers Bazar. Cushman in England..pdf
James H. Siddons gives a very intimate account of Charlotte Cushman's rise to success in England and describes her struggles and strategies, including a press network and behind-the-scenes accounts. Maddox is characterized as a capitalist,…

"Charlotte Cushman: The Story of Her Love as Told by Celia Logan," Lowell Daily Citizen, Aug 14, 1877

1877. Lowell Daily Citizen. Cushman - Unrequited Love.pdf
Celia Logan cleverly positions herself as an actress who performed with Charlotte Cushman on stage. This joint engagement allows her to present herself as having had access to intimate knowledge about the actress and her relationships to two men,…

"Charlotte Cushman," Harper's Weekly, March 4, 1876

1876. Harpers Weekly. Biography + Foreign Gossip Column.pdf
Almost the same wording as in the Harper's Bazar article from Nov 14, 1874. The excerpt also includes the foreign gossip column. Credit American Antiquarian Society

"Charlotte Cushman," Harper's Bazaar, Nov 14, 1874

1874. Harpers Bazar.pdf
The article summarizes Charlotte Cushman's "brave career." According to the author, Cushman could "exhibit her grand queenliness, her womanly sweetness and dignity." Cherishing most of her performances, the article criticizes the applause she…

"Charlotte Cushman," Chicago Tribune, June 22, 1878

This review laments that Emma Stebbins's biography of Charlotte Cushman lacks a proper account of Cushman's dramatic career and instead focuses too much on her private life. Emma Stebbins first met Cushman in Rome and the "two ladies soon became…