Greenwood's Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe (1854)

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Greenwood's Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe (1854)


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908
Social Events--Travels
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Greenwood gives a detailed account of her journey through Europe, including dates and tourist sights. She also includes accounts of dinner parties, for instance. She characterizes the people participating in social gatherings for the reader.
She also mentions Harriet Hosmer and conveys a very favorable image of the sculptor to the reader while she makes sure that her audience knows that she possesses such intimate knowledge "[a]fter three months' daily intercourse."


Hathi Trust


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Ticknor, Reed, and Fields





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exemplary passage from page 48:
"Next me, at table, sat Walter Savage Landor—a glorious old man, full of fine poetic thought and generous enthusiasm for liberty. Opposite sat Charles Kemble, and his daughter Adelaide, Madame Sartoris. At the other end of the table were Herr Devrient, the great German actor, Barry Cornwall and his wife, a daughter of Mrs. Basil Montague. Charles Kemble is a grand-looking old man, animated and agreeable in conversation, and preserving to a wonderful degree his enthusiasm for a profession around which he and his have thrown so much of glory. In Adelaide Sartoris you recognize at a glance one of that royal family of Kemble, born to rule, with a power and splendor unsurpassable, the realm of tragic art."
about Harriet Hosmer on page 217-218:
"Into the studio of Mr. Gibson, Miss Hosmer (the young American sculptor) has been admitted as a pupil, and receives from that artist, a most admirable master, all the advice she needs, all the encouragement a generous heart can bestow. She has already modelled the head of the Venus of Milo, a beau tiful antique torso, and is now engaged on the Cupid of Praxit eles. It may gratify her many American friends to hear that great interest is felt in her, and warm admiration expressed for her genius, not alone by Mr. Gibson, but by many of the first artists in Rome. She is a marvel to them for her industry, her modest confidence, her quiet enthusiasm ; for her fine feeling for, and knowledge of, her art. They all say that the copies she has made — which, by the way, have been chosen as diffi cult studies — have been executed, not alone with ease, and taste, and faithfulness, but in the truest and highest style of art. With the full consent of Mr. Gibson, she is soon to model some of her own ideal compositions. I have spoken of the artist truly, but even less admiringly, than I could have spoken. How shall I speak of the friend, of the woman, of the child-woman, as I call her ? After three months' daily intercourse, I cannot say less than that I have never known a more charming and lovable person. Her character is a pleasing and piquant combination of qualities rarely combined — enthusiasm with steady perseverance, re fined tastes with playful and exuberant spirits, poetry with sound good sense. She is thoroughly original and independ ent, without extravagance or pretension of any kind — a simple, earnest, truthful girl, whose strong and cheerful heart is the peer and ally of her active and comprehensive intellect. She makes her kindly and generous spirit felt by those around her more sensibly than even her genius ; and in the brilliant and peculiar career before her, she will ever be followed as well by loving pride as by admiring interest."


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Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904, “Greenwood's Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe (1854),” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024,

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