Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 22, 1853

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Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 22, 1853


United States--Boston
United States--Philadelphia
Travel Reports
Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Greenwood informs Fields that she has sent materials for the book by express and has decided to retain "Limerick Bells" for the volume. She is not getting well as fast as he has hoped and cannot leave Philadelphia until the middle of the next month. In turn, she asks Fields to forward the proof to her, attend to them himself or send them to Anna Phillips.
Greenwood is pleased to hear that Mr. Ticknor is on his voyage home and wishes she could welcome him in Boston. She herself had a bit of a mishap on her last voyage because her trunk was damaged on board of the "America." As she cannot be in Boston to demand damages she asks Fields to do so in her place.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1785





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[page 4 – included on page 1] I should at least, be paid fifty dollars for my actual [?] losses.— I do not see how the company could refuse to pay this to them trifling sum. but if they do I shall of course, drop the matter then.
Kindest regards to all my Boston friends.
As ever truly yours
Grace Greenwood

[page 1] Dear Mr. Fields. Your kind note of the 17th came to hand yesterday. I sent some days ago by express, the matter [?] for the book. As for the poems I have retained "Limerick Bells" and one or two others as the +++ for and +++ volume. I pray +++ have them excused.— I am not getting well as fast as I hope to do, and I have finally concluded not to leave home for Philadelphia till about the middle of next month. Can you send proof to me here until after that time?— If you think it will cause too much

[page 2] delay, you will please attend to the first sheets or send them to Anna Phillips.— I am rejoiced to hear that dear Mr. Ticknor is well and on his voyage home. How I wish I could be in Boston to welcome him. Now my dear friend I want to trouble you with a bit of business. When I went on board the "America" at Liverpool I found that it was possible to get my largest trunk into the +++. the sailor who took it below assured me that it would be put in a place of safety and kept perfectly dry;— but when it was brought up from

[page 3] the hold, I found almost everything in it completely soaked with sea-water. the trunk itself was nearly spoiled, several nice dresses very badly injured, one rendered unwearable, and a crayon portrait by Page, utterly ruined.— Now I was told by several of the English passengers that the honorable Canard company should and would pay for this serious damage. I had no time to attend to it when I first landed, but thought I could do so on my return to Boston. As I unfortunately cannot go back this fall may I ask you (if you think it will be +++) to make this demand for me. I think


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


New Brighton, PA, US

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Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904, “Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 22, 1853,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/723.

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