Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Mar 1, 1850

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Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Mar 1, 1850


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904
Artists--Painters--US American
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Greenwood still has not received the books, which Fields was supposed to send her, and has been waiting on his response regarding Cheney's picture. She inquires of Fields about a piano which he should commission for her from Chickering or Gilbert.
Greenwood has been revising many of her poems for the new publication and hopes to compile a respectable volume.
Giles has married which Greenwood has not anticipated occurring so soon.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1769





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[page 1] Dear Mr. Fields.
I received yours of Feb 4th in due time. but have been waiting to hear from you again in relation to the picture, by Cheney. and to have those books come to hand, ere I should write. To whose care in Pittsburgh have you sent the books! They have not as yet come to hand. I have a favor to ask of you. I want a piano from your city. one of Chickering's or Gilbert's. I want a good one, if a good one +++ +++ can [inserted] be got for three hundred dollars. and I should not overdraw on you too much for that sum. Will you attend to this. that is, if it can be done. I do not care to have the case of the piano very fine, but I want

[page 2] a soft-toned instrument.— If you procure this for me, please send it to the care of G. M. Harton Pittsburgh Pa. via Phil'a. you did not tell me how large this second edition of "Greenwood Leaves" was to be. I am very busy this winter. I have been revising many of my poems for the new publication and writing others. I hope we may make quite a respectable volume of it yet. And so Giles is married. "for better, for worse". I did not think of this coming off so soon; though he told me of his matrimonial plans.— I trust he will be far happier than in his single blessedness. if that be not a bull.— My kindest regards to him and to the Whipples. Will you hand or send the accompanying note to Mr. Longfellow.
As ever yours
Grace G.


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


New Brighton, PA, US

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Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904, “Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Mar 1, 1850,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/768.

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