Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Jan 4, 1850

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Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Jan 4, 1850


United States--Philadelphia
Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904
Saturday Evening Post
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Greenwood is anxious to know how the book sale is going. She has some pending payments which is why she is anxious to know whether the book will profit her at all before she starts working on another book line. Fields should send a new supply of Greenwood Leaves to Pittsburgh as they have sold out. 
Greenwood asks Fields whether he has seen her notice in the Saturday Evening Post and thanks him for the copies he sent to Philadelphia which resonated with the press.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1765





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[page 1] Dear Mr. Fields.
I reached home day before yesterday, after a very fatiguing journey from Philadelphia, but safe and well.— I was very sorry to leave the city without having seen you there. I wished much to talk with you about what I am now obliged to write you. a little matter of business.— I have a payment to make of $129.00. can I draw on you to that amount at once?— Is there or will there be that sum due me!— As yet singularly enough we have not exchanged a word on pecuniary matters, but I know that all must be well. Still I would like to know whether the publication is to profit me at all, before I think of getting up

[page 2] anything else in the book line. In other words I wish to know how much I am to receive on a copy. Yet I should have awaited a communication from you, had it not been for the payment of which I spoke. I made a purchase of a small farm last year, for which I am to pay in installments. I am anxious to hear how the book has gone. They tell me at Pittsburgh that they are entirely out of "Leaves." these lots [?] having been sold. You should send on a new supply as very many of my friends hereabouts are not able to obtain copies. Did you see my notice of the "Boston Book" in the Sat. Eve. Post. I was rather hard on Saxe, but I could not help it. I thank you for those copies of the "Greenwood Leaves" sent to Philadel

[page 3] phia. These were sent to persons connected with the press.— fell on good ground, when they will probably bring forth notices. My kind regards to Mr. Ticknor and to Whipple and his lovely wife. Write as soon as convenient. Direct to New Brighton Pa.— Let me know when a new editor is called for.— Oh, please send a copy without covers, by mail to Dr. N. [?] E. Clarke, Coldwater, Branch Co. Michigan.— Please tell me if I must calculate for a new prose publication in the spring.— One other thing. Herney Henry Peterson of the Phila' Sat. Eve. Post wants a copy of Holmes' last edition and will give a good notice.—
Good morning. Ever yours
Sara J. Clarke


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


New Brighton, PA, US

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Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904, “Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Jan 4, 1850,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/771.

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