Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 2, 1852

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Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 2, 1852


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Greenwood has had a headache and could not write herself which is why Mr. Bennoch wrote a letter to Fields instead. She hopes her advice on seasickness reaches him in time for his departure. Any letters addressed to her should be sent to Bennoch instead. 


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1759





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[page 4 – included on page 1] cordially to the Whipples the Longfellows, Stare [?] King and Wendell Phillips
God give you a safe speedy and pleasant voyage. and bless you with His choicest blessings
Ever faithfully and affectionately
Your friend

[page 1]Dear Fields.
When Mr Bennoch was writing to you last night, I was down with a nervous headache and could not say a word for myself. I am better now and hope it is not too late to give you my farewell. I obtained some directions some directions [sic] from dear old Sir Phillip Crampton in regard to sea-sickness which I hope you will carry out. When you go on board, pin about you a bandage tightly, though not tied tightly for comfort, over the stomach. as soon as

[page 2] you are off, from [?] the dock, and underway, lie down for some hours with your feet to the course of the vessel. lie somewhat over on to your stomach and remain quiet, taking nothing unless it be a very little brandy. Dont [sic] laugh at me for giving you these minute [?] directions. If you suffer half as much as I, for sea-sickness, you will give Sir Phillip's plan a trial. He says it is great folly for one inclined to be ill, to undertake to stay on deck and brave it out. that if you follow out his directions you will surely suffer less, and

[page 3] may escape entirely. He himself has thus been able to enjoy the latter part of a sea voyage exceedingly. Sir Philip is an elegant warm-hearted old man who you would have greatly liked. I am sorry that I have not time to write to Mr. Ticknor and Annie Phillips by you. Give them much love and tell them how it has been
I think my letters had best be sent to Mr. Bennoch's care, henceforth. Will you be kind enough to hand the package of notes and the Jenny Lind picture to Miss Phillips. Remember me most


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Belfast, Northern Ireland

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Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904, “Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 2, 1852,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/776.

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