Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 19, 1848

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Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 19, 1848


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904
United States--Boston
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


In the first half of the letter, Greenwood writes as Sara J. Clarke to Fields. She will not be able to return the following fall but wants to meet him in Boston in the summer. Many of her articles need to be revised and cannot be published yet but she would like to publish her poems in a separate volume the next fall which is when the chances of sale will be best. She asks Fields for his advice on this matter as she may depend on the West for a good sale. She will also soon be a junior editor for the magazine The Lady's Book in which a portrait and biography of Grace Greenwood will be published in December.
In the second part of the letter, Greenwood states that she hopes to spend the next summer and fall in Boston and Lynn. She has not been well since her return home but is in good health now and intends to take more care of her in the future.  Greenwood intends to make A Selection from the Poems, Sketches, and Letters of Grace Greenwood the second title of Greenwood Leaves. She invests a great amount of time in her literary pursuits and plans to write "something better than [she has] ever written this winter."


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1750





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[page 1] Mr. J.T. Fields.
Dear Sir. Yours of the +++ is just received. I regret that my present engagements and the limited
time given me, render the issue [?] of a return [?] this fall altogether out of the question. Had you thought it best in the summer when I met you. I could have had everything ready by this time. Many of my articles need much revising and I could not think of republishing them as they are. But next summer I am expecting to be in Boston [?]. and will have all in good order, and then if you are willing to undertake to being out the week I shall be much pleased. according to your plan the book can be only a selection, as a collection would make two volumes of the size and type of Bayard Taylor's "Views a foot". I would like far better to have my poems published in a separate volume - and I am encouraged to think

[page 2] they would meet with a tolerable sale I think for many reasons, I had better not think of getting out a volume of any kind until next fall, as the probabilities are that I shall then be more favorably known. A portrait and biography of "Grace Greenwood" are to appear in the December +++ of "The Lady's Book", of which magazine I am to be the junior editor, - and this fall selections [sic] from my poems appear! Then different collections of American poetry. - I should say on the whole, that the chances of a good sale would be decidedly better next fall. say a year from now. I am told that a volume either of prose or poetry. or a selection of both got up handsomely, with a +++. say the one I +++. would sell well as a gift book in the holidays of next year. Will you tell me what you think of this plan, if you can look so far ahead. Whenever I do get out a volume, I may depend I think upon the West, for a good sale. I am +++ accustomed to the writing of business letters, and so perhaps

[page 3] have made this unnecessarily long.
Respectfully and truly yours
Sara J. Clarke.
My dear friend.
I was delighted to hear from you again - especially in your friendly and unofficial capacity. If you had not made it appear that the getting out of a volume for me was
no abject [?] to you, but rather a risky affair, I should say I was sorry I could not fall in with your plans. I hope to be able to spend most of next summer and fall in Boston and Lynn. I have not been very well since my return home - the climate does not suit me. I am however in very good health just now - and mean to be more careful of myself in future. I heard from Giles a week or two since. He was in New Port, but requested me to direct my reply to Boston. Oh, one thing I forgot in my boring letter. How would "Greenwood Leaves" answer for a title for my book — with a second title of. "A Selection from the Poems, Sketches and letters of Grace Greenwood"

[page 4] I am very quiet here, and have a good deal of time for my literary pursuits. I mean to write something better than I have ever written this winter. So look out, and see to your laurels, my poet! - Bayard Taylor has not written me a line since my return from the East. the villain! Is it not hard when one has left the great world and "sloped into +++" to be this totally forgotten by one's summer +++! How are the Russels. and my dear friend, "ancient Harvard's youthful Sage [?]",- he of the +++. Please remember me kindly to Mr. Whipple. whose conversation I often recall with genuine pleasure. Have you delivered that poem of which you spoke while I was in Boston. - If so will you not send it to me? Well, good bye, my friend
Ever sincerely yours.
Grace G.


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


New Brighton, PA, US

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Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904, “Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 19, 1848,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/783.

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