Letter from Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Mary Russel Mitford, May 20, [1853]

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Letter from Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Mary Russel Mitford, May 20, [1853]


Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861
Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904
Intimacy--With Subjects
Intimacy--As Source


After meeting Greenwood, Elizabeth Browning admits that she likes the writer despite the defamatory rumors.


The Brownings Correspondence


Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861


Wellesley College





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I am so disappointed, my dearest Miss Mitford, so grieved at this new account of you. May the evil be turned aside before my lamentation over it can reach you! In the meanwhile I shall be perforce very anxious. The weather must be warmer even with you at the present depth in May, and you will be receiving & reviving under, I pray God, its happy influences– Do let me hear without delay– A short letter, if a long letter tires—but a letter in any case!—— I throw myself on your proved kindness for this.

We dont go to Rome till later—we could’nt help ourselves—& the only vexation of it is, that we shant probably get to England till next spring– So looks the probability at least. I have strong faith—credulity, say my friends, .. Mr Chorley, for instance, who is “fretted” about my tenderness towards the “rapping spirits.” (After all it’s an open question whether the man who affirms most or the man who denies most, arrives at most of truth.) Well—I have strong credulity, say my friends—and among other figments, I have an undeniable tendency to believing in the falling of skies & catching of larks. So we may get to England this summer—who knows? Only the probability is against it certainly as far as we can see yet.

You dont like the restoration of the punishment of death for political offences in France, do you? I dont. Your hero does’nt do all things well. He has however great & intelligent care for the poorer classes; & what the provisional government attempted to do, & failed, in this way, he has compassed & is compassing– Paris will be transfigured under his hand. Always beautiful, it will become wonderfully beautiful as by the stroke of a wand. Were you not sorry for the Empress’s misfortune? He has taken it much to heart, I understand. Also she seems to suffer in general health. She was always weak in the chest: & it was on that account, that she went yearly to the Pyrenees. Previous to the accident, the castle at Pau (Henri quâtre’s) was being prepared for her;& courtly etiquette was likely enough to disagree with a woman spontaneous in her nature & ways to the verge of what is called wildness.

Yes, the moving of tables is an incontestable fact. A phenomenon of a magnetic character, involved in the curious history of the American manifestations, & from which other phenomena will probably be evolved if we have patience to wait. A year ago when the subject was talked of in Paris (where it was much talked of) I have heard sceptics say .. “Yes, let me see a table move, & I will believe anything”. Now the table moves, all Europe witnessing—“E pur si muove”.. being the motto to an Italian pamphlet on the subject which has just come out! People never meet now-a-days in Florence, except to move tables. And I must turn the tables on unbelievers in general. As to the “rappings”, .. the wonderful things narrated to me by persons who have “mediums” in their families, or who have been “mediums” themselves .. tears running from the eyes of the speakers—(intelligent eyes, too.) I do not dare to tell you. We have a number of American visitors, & of the more cultivated order of Americans—& nearly everybody is more or less a believer. Then I always believed in a spirit-world & in the possibility of communications, & I believed long ago in the fact of such communications having taken place in Germany & elsewhere; (what is peculiar in the actual movement is the universality of it—) so I have less to get over than persons of a less speculative tendency. Somebody came to us the other day straight from Mrs Trollope where they have been trying table-experiments .. he is an Englishman, & a Chinese & Japanese scholar, & a cutter out in black paper of characteristic profiles. After testifying to the moving tables, he insisted on cutting out me & Robert. I am in a dreadful state of humiliation after the operation .. which is natural enough .. for why should people without features (like me) allow themselves to be agonized into a black profile? why, I wonder. I resisted as long as was decent—that’s all that can be said for me. Mrs Trollope is better again.

You heard of her friend Owen of Lanark yielding up his infidelity to a future state, at the bidding of the “Rappings.” You ask for a use. There’s a use for you!–

Besides I am never disquieted about uses. Let a fact be attested, and we may attest the utility of it. But that’s an after consideration.

Do you know Whittier’s poems? Yes. Some extracts, I have seen, are direct & noble, I think–but I dont care for Dr Parsons’ stanzas on the bust of Dante. Then the view of Dante’s soul is wrong & contracted, .. and the engraving of the portrait, a thing most unlike. Emerson & Lowell are the best poets in America, according to my creed. Emerson would be great if he had the musical faculty which he wants. As it is he is the torso of a poet. Lowell is completer, & really fine in some of his later poems, .. for he is vital & grows– Also he is one of the wittiest of writers when he pleases– I think highly of him—& I liked him personally & his interesting wife, when we met in London. As for yourself, may your laurels flower more & more– I like to hear about your letters—about everything relating to you–

Among our Americans we have seen lately Miss Clarke, .. who writes under the pseudonym of Grace Greenwood. People had prejudiced me against her by denouncing her as a Corinna as to manner & costume, but I had a very different impression when we met– We both liked her much– Yes—Robert’s play succeeded, but there could be no “run” for a play of that kind—it was a “success d’estime” & something more, which is surprising perhaps, considering the miserable acting of the men—Miss Faucit was alone in doing us justice– God bless you & keep you & love you, dearest friend. Do write, & believe that I think of you tenderly–

Your ever affecte


Robert’s truest regards—as always. Tell me everything about your health.


Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861


Florence, Italy

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Swallowfield, UK

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Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861, “Letter from Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Mary Russel Mitford, May 20, [1853],” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/803.

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