"Nearly Ready. Life of Charlotte Cushman," Publishers' Weekly, May 11, 1878

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"Nearly Ready. Life of Charlotte Cushman," Publishers' Weekly, May 11, 1878


Philadelphia Bulletin
Actors and Actresses--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Intimacy--With Subjects
Intimacy--As Source
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Citation of Different Periodical / Reprint


The advertismement of Emma Stebbins's biography of Charlotte Cushman includes two paragraphs of praise published by the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Cushman's and Stebbins's relationships is described as "the strongest sisterly affection" and Stebbins as "better fitted to write it than any other person."


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Publishers' Weekly





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"It is a most fortunate circumstance that Miss Stebbins has had the physical strength to undertake and complete this story of the lifeof her great friend. She has the culture and the literary talent needed for the work; and as she was her constant companion during many years, in Europe and America, she is unquestionably better fitted to write it than any other person who might have undertaken it. The two women were not only bound to one another by the strongest sisterly affection, but they were sympathetic in their literary, artistic, and social tastes.
"The great actress was a charming letter-writer, and her correspondence with relatives and friends (which has been preserved) will afford much valuable material for the biographer. But the chief value of the work will consist in its being a faithful record of the artistic life of the most distinguishcd American woman that has ever adorned the stage."-Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.


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“"Nearly Ready. Life of Charlotte Cushman," Publishers' Weekly, May 11, 1878,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/965.

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