Cushman-Logan Controversy, Democrat and Chronicle, Oct 2, 1876

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Cushman-Logan Controversy, Democrat and Chronicle, Oct 2, 1876


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Muspratt, Susan Cushman, 1822-1859


The article juxtaposes Logan's account, which includes a condescending view on Susan Cushman allegedly uttered by Cushman, and an article in the Washington Chronicle by an anonymous woman.



Rochester Print. Co.





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Celia Logan, sister of Olive, wrote of Charlotte Cushman, in a letter to a Baltimore Paper:
Cushman in a small way resembled Queen Elizabeth, possessing the same hard haughtiness, the masculine will and roughness, and jealousy of other women. Miss Cushman never engaged an actress to travel with her. Her sister Susan in earlier days supported her, but Charlotte said she only permitted it because "Sue couldn't act; she had beauty, but no brains." Nor did her sister's theatrical career last long after Miss Cushman became great. She married her off to a poor apothecary as soon as she could. It is true she had almost always a lady with her as companion, but it was never one of her own profession whom she thus benefited. She never had a word of praise for people behind the scenes, no matter how hard they worked to please. Some one told her years ago that she looked and acted like Macready. This so delighted her that she not only modeled her acting, but her manners, on those of that hideaous, ugly old bear. And now shoals of chits of girls are springing up, claiming to be the pupils of the envious, conservative old creature.
"Only a WOman," writing for the Washington Chronicle, is exceedingly indignant over this extract. She says Miss Cushman was very generous in judgment of others, in money matters, and in everything else, and she adds, "In endeavoring to cover the honored name of Charlotte Cushman with odious reflections, Celia Logan had debased her name and pen, and stripped herself of womanly dignity by the coarseness of the language used to effect her unworthy purpose." Whew! There is to be another great controversy.


Rochester, NY, US

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“Cushman-Logan Controversy, Democrat and Chronicle, Oct 2, 1876,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024,

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