"Charlotte Cushman. A Hitherto Unpublished Episode in Her Life," San Francisco Examiner, May 25, 1877

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"Charlotte Cushman. A Hitherto Unpublished Episode in Her Life," San Francisco Examiner, May 25, 1877


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Citation of Different Periodical / Reprint


The article adds more insights to the longer reprinted article by Logan in the Lowell Daily Citizen, Aug 14, 1877.







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Celia Logan tells a story in the New York Dispatch, which she says is a hitherto unpublished episode in the late Charlotte cushman's life. When the great actress was middle-aged and ugly, so the writer says, she was playing an engagement at the olf National Theatre in Cincinnati. Conrad R. Clarke [Conrad B. Clarke], much Miss Cushman's junior, and a very handsome and promising actor, was then the leading man of the company. Miss Cushman at once took a fancy to the young actor, who in time became her obsequious follower, and Miss Logan believes that Miss Cushman's liking for Clarke was much more than mere admiration.
Some one who passed that night with Charlotte Cushman told me that on arriving at home after the performance she sank down on the floor, and crouched there in her clothes, in abject dispair, until day-break. She had been touched in her affections. At middle-age a woman often loves more fervently--more with her mind than her heart--than in her green and gaal days. She had also been deeply wounded in her pride. She had deigned to smile upon an obscure actor, had tried to raise him to an equal position with herself, and he had deceived her as to his status, had neglected a wife for her sake. Never after, when his name was mentioned, would she say more than "he is a clever actor--a very clever actor."

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“"Charlotte Cushman. A Hitherto Unpublished Episode in Her Life," San Francisco Examiner, May 25, 1877,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/652.

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