"Charlotte Cushman's Will," Chicago Daily Tribune, May 5, 1876

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"Charlotte Cushman's Will," Chicago Daily Tribune, May 5, 1876


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


The article informs about the bequests and annuities in Charlotte Cushman's will after the last  witness showed up at the Probate Office and the will could be admitted.
The article focuses on Edwin C. Cushman's family in the last part. Emma Crow Cushman is not mentioned as only Edwin C. Cushman's family is addressed. However, her and Ned's children will inherit the estate after the trust expires.
Stebbins is listed as a friend, similar to the article in the Boston Globe. Friends such as Wayman Crow and ELizabeth Peabody do not appear in this one.







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Charlotte Cushman's Will.

Judge Sterne Admits it to Probate--Bequests and Annuities

Dispatch to New York Herald

NEWPORT, R. I., May 1.--At last the will of the well-known actress, Miss Charlotte Cushman, has been admitted to probate. J. Young Seammon[?], the "missing" witness, put in an appearance this morning at the Probate Office, and accordingly Judge STerne admitted the document. It is somehwat surprising that no public bequests are made, as it was generally understood that a high school in Boston named after her would be remembered.
According to the terms of the will, Miss Cushman gives to the trustees named in a certain convevance executed at St. Louis, Dec. 20, 1872, all property, real and personal, belonging to her at her death and not then held thereunder. the persons therein named as trustees to act with the power and discretion previously defined. The expense of the management of the trust estate is to be first paid from the income. Out of the net income sums and annuities are to be paid as follows: to her brother, Charles A. Cushman, $1,500 yearly; after his death, to his widow yearly, $750; to each of her nieces, Rosalie and Mabel Muspratt, of Liverpool, ENgland, $750 yearly, until marriage, after which, $1,000, or if her needs demand it, $1,250, all payable in gold; to three children of a half-nephew, Alexander Cushman, namely: Susan, Charlotte, and Alexander R. Cushman, each $233.33 yearly; to a half-sister, Mrs. Isabella Weld, $5 per week during her life; to a friend, EMma Stebbins, $1,500 yearly; to her faithful servant, Sallie Mercer, $500 yearly and the use of a house in Philadelphia free of rent. The use of her mansion in Newport is given to her friend EMma Stebbins, her servant Sallie Mercer, and her nephew, Edwin C. Cushman, and his family, whenever they may desire it, the expense of maintaining the house and servants to be paid by the trustees from the income of the estate. After providing for the care and education of the children of her nephew, Edwin C. Cushman, until their majority, the trustees are to pay the remainder of the net income to him, any balance which he shall not draw to be applied to the principal of the estate.The estate is finally, after the expiration of the trsut, to be divided equally among the children of her nephew, Edwin C. Cushman, after his death.


Chicago, IL, US

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“"Charlotte Cushman's Will," Chicago Daily Tribune, May 5, 1876,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/660.

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