Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Thomas Fields, Dec 31, 1864

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Thomas Fields, Dec 31, 1864


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Brewster, Anne Hampton, 1818-1892
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881
Artists--Sculptors--US American
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908
United States--Boston


Charlotte Cushman describes Anne Brewster as "an old dear friend of younger days." Stebbins cannot pay the exchange for the casting and transport of her statue. Cushman asks James to interfere on Stebbins' behalf and talk to Dr. Howe. Additionally, Cushman wants to perform at a theater in Boston to raise money for Emma without her knowledge.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Huntington, JTFP, Box 12, FI 691





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[page 1] Dear friend
many thanks for your welcome [?] +++ of Nov. 10". Parcel of books reached me quite safely in Liverpool & are now reposing on my table in the Eternal City. some of them delighting good Americans who love the "feel" of Ticknor & Fields books. many thanks for the same! Please continue to send me the Atlantic here. & always to care of Maquay [?] +++ & Hooker [?]. So that when I am away in the summer they may be taken care of. Miss Hosmer brought gave [inserted] the Dr [?] number [?] - which is capital! I am so +++ to hear of the illness of Annies [sic] mother it must be great sorrow to you all. I had recognized the little poems & most charming they are. she should have nothing to do but think & write. Give her one dear love! I have heard of her through Annie Brewster. an old dear friend of my younger days. – I have heard from Miss Seward that the books had arrived - for this & all I am your debtor. but I am "good for the +++". & will pay! when?" burn [?] — by. The news from home fill us with wonder love & praise. & we commence the fear with +++! The news of the 17th is with us! When will exchange go down. ask we poor people — when [?] as sculptors — are obliged to live in Rome. Give it a pull down — do. & " +++ will ever pray +++" - If it goes on much longer we had better have no money

[page 2] to send. & appropos [sic] of this. I am sending a letter through you to Dr Howe Though on second thoughts I dont [sic] suppose you could speak to him. Still you can agitate. & so. force some action on his part without appearing personally to him. He sent again for the measurements of the +++ of the statue. having lost them. This is the fourth time they have been sent. & in replying to his letter Emma has taken occasion to speak about getting the money which they paid into Henry Stebbins hands--over to pay Müller for the casting. she cannot pay the exchange & though the statue is ready to come. she cannot pay Müller for it on an account of exchange. Will you read her letter for your own guidance. & then seal it up & send it to Dr Howe. You might perhaps speak to +++ & +++ about it. Will you do this for me. & greatly oblige me. she has to pay Müller interest on the value of the statue. to prevent his pressing for payment! Take this matter into your giant hands & do what you can for her.—When the statue gets home & is ready to be put up +++ +++ intention to come to Boston. & get up a performance at the Theatre. to raise something to pay Emma for her labour in the statue — but say nothing of this all well. Rome not full. weather dreadfully wet not cold. You have seen the little "Englisher" — what thinks you
affy [affectionately] yours
Charlotte & Emma


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Rome, Italy

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Thomas Fields, Dec 31, 1864,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/144.

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