Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields family, Apr 16, 1872

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields family, Apr 16, 1872


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881
Atlantic Monthly


Cushman suffers from her strained vocal chords, a cancelled reading event, and the resulting financial loss. She draws James Fields's attention to a 'Peace Saga' that Cushman wants him to publish in the Atlantic. She explicitly mentions that she expects to receive money for it. Cushman refuses to tell who wrote it.
Her mind is troubled with the task of building a house since Richard Hunt does not follow her instructions.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Huntington, JTFP, Box 12, FI 704





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[page 1] Dear JTF. [James Thomas Fields] & a F [Annie Fields]: both dear & true. Lo [?] & behold. I did not get to Boston for Egmont [?]. & there was no voice to tell you why. On Sunday night I arrived here from Phila. & was ordered by my +++ to send to Boston to say I could not read without peril of paralyzing the vocal chords! so I sent a messenger [?] to +++. who was troubled – but not as much as he would have been if he had not sold all his tickets on the strength of the combination & then he saved his $500 to me. which is much! & the fault not his — though the loss was mine, in every way! for I

[page 2] was well prepared & should have done something with the "dared thing!" as William Hunt would say. However. it was not to be. I have been musing [?] these straind [sic] vocal chords. which refuse to be healed. & how I am to get through My Phila engage [engagement]" commencing on Monday next 22°. only the good father knows. but I must try! Reading "Macbeth". was the last stone upon my head. it was awful. but. I tell you. in confidence — it was not bad! Though I say it as shouldn't I have not heard a word from any mortal soul —or seen 

[page 3] about my not keeping my engage [engagement]? I think John Pray who keeps me informed. is ill. & no one else tells one anything — Let me see anything that may have been said: another thing. I send you a "war saga" have you seen it? written by a +++ poet Evidently in England! I don't know if it has been reprinted here. but if it has not. I want it to be printed--with this reply to it — a Peace Saga--which I want to be paid for. & I think the Atlantic will do it. you may attribute it to whom you like but you must not know who wrote it. & you must make the Artantic [sic] Editor, on every Saturday take it & pay for it. just for fun [?]. Dont [sic] tell Annie [?] to answer me about it. but just you. JTF. do it!

[page 4] +++ +++ +++. you see is good enough for a newspaper printing & Host & print & publish it after. Osgood might have done it before & made money out of it. but the poem is another matter & as you see made by another head. Do you like it? if so just send me a word to say so. My nephew went to see my house in Newport. I asked Richard Hunt for three things only. & left all the rest to himself. I have not one of the three I asked for! Who would build a house? not I again! Ever my +++ Love Hunt. +++ porcelain. that she is. Love to you both. write to me at La Pierre [?] House Phila. Pa from the 18" — & believe me ever faithfully & affectionately
Yours C.C


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Fields, Annie, 1834-1915
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Villa Boscobel, High Bridge, NY, US

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields family, Apr 16, 1872,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/169.

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