Browse Items (973 total)

"Art and Artists," Boston Evening Transcript, May 22, 1876

1876. Boston_Evening_Transcript. Art and Artists.pdf
The reprint of a Brewster article in the Phildelphia Bulletin describes Alma Tadema's studio in Rome. Credit

"Bridgeport Gleanings," The Boston Advocate, Aug 28, 1886

BPL_The Boston Advocate_Aug 28 1886-4,5,8,9- Massachusetts Newspapers, 1704-1974 - MyHeritage. Bridgeport Gleanings.Episodes of Travel.pdf
An example of the column "Bridgeport Gleanings" in The Boston Advocate where the readers are informed about social and political affairs, religious events, and news about prominent members in the community. In this particular instance, the column…

"California", Jackson's Oxford Journal, Aug 30, 1851

1851. Jacksons Oxford Journal. Rumor Male Attire.pdf
This is a short entry under news from America reports on the rumours that Charlotte Cushman has "adopted male attire" permanently. Credit The British Library Newspapers,Gale Digital Collections

"Character Entertainment at Music Hall," Boston Globe, Feb 25, 1875

1875. Boston Globe. Entertainment.pdf
The article reviews Grace Greenwood's and Sarah Fisher Ames's performance at the Boston Music Hall. It stresses that "[i]n reading pieces of delicate humor, she [Greenwood] certainly excels most if not all the professional readers of her…

"Charlotte Cushman as she was, and as she is", Spirit of the Times, Mar 15, 1851

1851. Spirit of the Times. Plans of Retirement - Howitt repr..pdf
This article pays respect to Charlotte Cushman and her successful career and announces that she will perform for the last time in New Orleans, before officially retiring from stage. Credit EBSCO Research Databases

"Charlotte Cushman at Rome," Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 9, 1876

1876. Milwaukee Daily Sentinel. Cushman - Rome - Virgins.pdf
The article is a reprint from the Boston Sunday Courier. The author J.S.H. recounts the time he spent in Rome in 1852-1853. Harriet Hosmer, Grace Greenwood, and Charlotte Cushman were part of a group of five that were known as "the five wise…

"Charlotte Cushman, the Actress." Wood County Reporter, Jan 11, 1883

1883. Wood County Reporter. Cushman Tomboy Stebbins. Omeka.pdf
The article traces the "hopeful possibilities of girlhood" of Cushman "who did not allow herself to be crushed by circumstances." It criticizes old-fashioned ideas of the "women's sphere" and defends Cushman's gender-bending behavior and attitude:…

"Charlotte Cushman," Chicago Tribune, June 22, 1878

This review laments that Emma Stebbins's biography of Charlotte Cushman lacks a proper account of Cushman's dramatic career and instead focuses too much on her private life. Emma Stebbins first met Cushman in Rome and the "two ladies soon became…

"Charlotte Cushman," Harper's Bazaar, Nov 14, 1874

1874. Harpers Bazar.pdf
The article summarizes Charlotte Cushman's "brave career." According to the author, Cushman could "exhibit her grand queenliness, her womanly sweetness and dignity." Cherishing most of her performances, the article criticizes the applause she…

"Charlotte Cushman," Harper's Weekly, March 4, 1876

1876. Harpers Weekly. Biography + Foreign Gossip Column.pdf
Almost the same wording as in the Harper's Bazar article from Nov 14, 1874. The excerpt also includes the foreign gossip column. Credit American Antiquarian Society

"Charlotte Cushman," San Francisco Evening Bulletin, Dec 1, 1870

1870. N. Y. World. Charlotte Cushman. Daily Evening Bulletin, 1 Dec..pdf
The article is a reprint from the New York World and informs about where Cushman used to live in Rome, where she is currently staying at, in New York with her sister Susan Cushman, who, however, had already died in 1859. Cushman is about to establish…

"Charlotte Cushman: The Story of Her Love as Told by Celia Logan," Lowell Daily Citizen, Aug 14, 1877

1877. Lowell Daily Citizen. Cushman - Unrequited Love.pdf
Celia Logan cleverly positions herself as an actress who performed with Charlotte Cushman on stage. This joint engagement allows her to present herself as having had access to intimate knowledge about the actress and her relationships to two men,…

"Charlotte Cushman. A Hitherto Unpublished Episode in Her Life," San Francisco Examiner, May 25, 1877

The article adds more insights to the longer reprinted article by Logan in the Lowell Daily Citizen, Aug 14, 1877. Credit

"Charlotte Cushman's First Appearance in England," Harper's Bazaar, March 18, 1876

1876. Harpers Bazar. Cushman in England..pdf
James H. Siddons gives a very intimate account of Charlotte Cushman's rise to success in England and describes her struggles and strategies, including a press network and behind-the-scenes accounts. Maddox is characterized as a capitalist,…

"Charlotte Cushman's Grave," Evening Bulletin, May 19, 1882

1882. Evening Bulletin. Cushman Grave - Masculine Maiden.pdf
The article claims that Cushman is the "most distinguished woman buried in Mount Auburn." It describes the gravesite, Cushman's career path, and comments on her "maiden life":"The reason of her celibacy is unknown, but it may be supposed that her…

"Charlotte Cushman's Will," Boston Daily Globe, May 2, 1876

1876. Boston Daily Globe. CCs will. May 2, 1876.pdf
The article gives a detailed account of people and "annuities" as mentioned in Cushman's will. It also quotes from the original document.Stebbins is named last for the first group of people which includes mostly family members and Sallie Mercer.…

"Charlotte Cushman's Will," Chicago Daily Tribune, May 5, 1876

1876. Chicago Daily Tribune. CCs will. May 5, 1876;.pdf
The article informs about the bequests and annuities in Charlotte Cushman's will after the last witness showed up at the Probate Office and the will could be admitted.The article focuses on Edwin C. Cushman's family in the last part. Emma Crow…

"CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN", New York Weekly, Dec 20, 1860

1860. Sarah Gould poem to Charlotte Cushman.pdf
A poem dedicated to Charlotte Cushman. Credit EBSCO Research Databases

"Chit-Chat," Sentinel, Jan 7, 1882

1882_Sentinel_Chit Chat Column.pdf
An example of the gossip column "Chit-Chat," containing short entries reporting about multiple individuals of note. Credit Readex: African American Newspapers