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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, June 28, 1871

Currently, Charlotte Cushman is not in pain. Mrs Garland, Emma Stebbins's sister, is very fond of Helen Hunt because of the book of poems she sent.Cushman announces a visit of Stebbins and herself in Bethlehem. Among others, Booth urges Cushman to…

Letter from Emma Stebbins to Unknown ("Julia"), April 21, 1871

CCP 16, Stebbins to unknown - OV.pdf
Emma Stebbins write from her sister's place to a friend about her recent travels. She inquires about their family, stresses how much she misses them, and lets them know that Ms Cushman is currently in Boston. Sallie Mercer is mentioned in the…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Apr 5, 1871

CC to AF, 1871-04-05.pdf
Cushman asks Annie to forward an extract to Mrs. Alfer on her behalf since she has been rather forgetful lately. She also tells Annie how tiresome it is to sign so many autograph papers.Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Feb 17, 1871

CC to AF, 1871-02-17.pdf
Charlotte Cushman is worried about Mary (Emmons) who is spreading gossip about her. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Jan 5, 1871

CC to AF, 1871-01-05.pdf
Cushman informs the Fields family about her plans of traveling and her looking for a house for Emma Cushman. Her fondness for the Hunt family, in addition to her indecisiveness about whether she should retire from the stage or go back to it, are…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, [c. 1871]

CC to AF, 1871.pdf
Annie Fields has fallen ill and frightened Cushman, who answered with a short and hastily written note. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Dec 10, [1870]

Charlotte Cushman confirms housing arrangements for her visit.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Dec 2, [1870?]

Cushman reports her plans and negotiations regarding a house in Newport. She tells Helen Hunt that whenever her name is mentioned, she has to pay more for services since she is well-known among US-American people.For transcripts, please visit…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Nov 6[?], 1870

Both Charlotte Cushman and Emma Stebbins are wretched from the passage to the US.Helen Hunt is publishing with Fields & Osgood.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Oct 3 [or: 13], 1870

Charlotte Cushman, Emma Stebbins, and Emma Crow Cushman and her children are preparing for the passage to the US. Cushman informs Hunt about the plans for the next couple of months. She has already started to pay farewell visits to her friends.Col.…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, June 7, 1870

Emma Stebbins suffers from problems with her eyes. Emma Stebbins, Emma Crow Cushman, and Charlotte Cushman are in Paris.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

"Rome," Boston Daily Advertiser, 1870 to 1876

Brewster on Rome 1871.pdf
"Rome" is a column in the Boston Daily Advertiser written by Anne Brewster, in which she gives accounts of any political, cultural, or social news that have occurred in Rome.The included file only serves as an example illustration of the…

"Housekeeping in Rome," Charleston Daily News, Dec 25, 1869

1869. Charleston News. Housekeeping in Rome. Omeka.pdf
Originally published in the Philadelphia Bulletin, Brewster writes about how to live comfortably in Rome, differentiating between more and less affluent people. The article gives a graphic "short sketch of life in Rome" and reads like a guide to an…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Dec 6, 1869

At this state, Charlotte Cushman is "a poor shaky old 'queen'" who contemplates going back to the US.She comments on her relationship with Emma Stebbins and reveals a breach of trust with, presumably, Emma Crow Cushman:"You are wrong dear in you…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Nov 28, 1869

Charlotte Cushman will be traveling to Nice, France, soon.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Nov 7, 1869

Helen Hunt Jackson is about to visit Charlotte Cushman.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Nov 4, 1869

Helen Hunt Jackson will visit Cushman in Great Malvern very soon.Stebbins is suffering from her anxiety about Cushman.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Emma Stebbins to Emma Crow Cushman, [Oct] 26, [1869]

LoC. Cushman 13-6-8.pdf
Stebbins writes about their strenuous journey to Malvern and the mishaps along the way. They had to stop over in Carlisle but have arrived safely in Stockport. She asks Emma Cushman to arrange for lodging in Malvern, preferably at Knotsford…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Oct 26, 1869

Charlotte Cushman is currently recovering from her surgery. She is allowed to travel again and Emma Crow Cushman is in charge of finding a place to stay on the journey.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.