Letter from Emma Stebbins to Unknown ("Julia"), April 21, 1871

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Letter from Emma Stebbins to Unknown ("Julia"), April 21, 1871


Actors and Actresses--US American
Artists--Sculptors--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Mercer, Sallie
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Social Events--Travels
United States--Boston
Gender Norms
Social Critique


Emma Stebbins write from her sister's place to a friend about her recent travels. She inquires about their family, stresses how much she misses them, and lets them know that Ms Cushman is currently in Boston. Sallie Mercer is mentioned in the postscriptum as following soon.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


LoC, CCP 16





Letter Item Type Metadata


[p. 1] Villa Garland, April 21. /71

My Dear Julia
I wanted very much to send you back a line by your Brother, but he will perhaps tell you how ruined I was with business affairs and letters +++ upon my arrival, and I trusted to him to tell you how +++ & comfortably we got to our journey's end, and thanks to him the "Lions"[?] were perfectly harmless
and never roared once.
I must confess to being thankful that men are not quite put down yet, and may not be in my time, and yet sorry for the rising generation of women, who must take the +++ to conquer this over Lions!-
We were so sorry "Will" could not stay longer with us, and see the place as it is today – perfectly lovely under the effect of sunlight

[p. 1 reverse] which he missed yesterday – but he has promised my sister to take a +++ over soon again, now he has found the way – and then we hope, you, +++ +++ of your +++ will bear him company. You don't know how easy it is to get here! I feel much nearer to you than I did to +++ while I was at +++ – the drive over to +++ is very pleasent and the rail journey only two hours. –
+++ behaved like an angel – and has been very good ever since – I really believe it was her mad passion for Mr Ogden[?] which made her such a +++ – Little Fly, +++ her dreadfully, and won't let her +++ at the puppy – but then Fly is awfully spoiled. – I have letters from Miss Cushman

[p. 2] which tell me she has sent for her trunk[?], which looks like a prolonged stay in Boston – I am not sorry to have her remain with that +++, who seems to be good for her in all ways +++ gives her excellent advice[?] – she is very gay – and surrounded by +++ friends who love her and want to kill her with kindness. I have been so hurried ever since I got back that I hardly know whether I am here or at +++ and yet I do know very well that I miss all your sweet faces and your kind ways – more than I can tell! It seems like a dream +++ that I have been so long in your midst, and may have the happiness of numbering you among my friends – a very pleasant dream too! – But I should like to be occasionally awakened by a tangible proof of your existence in the shape of a letter or a visit

[p. 2 reverse] I want to know what you all what you are doing, how +++ is – everything is interesting to me about you – because I love you all – so who will write to me? Kindest love to all the dear household – special remembrances to Mr Ogden and Mrs Wheeler +++ which my sisters +++ me –
ever faithfully yours
Emma Stebbins

If you hear of my having left anything behind me – may I ask you to take care of it till Sallie returns? I do miss one article in the shape of a +++ bag – which has been a great +++ all winter, in the way of keeping my feet warm at night – I think I would have left it in my bed. 
+++ has my address I think –
care of Mrs. J R Garland, Hyde Park, +++


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Villa Garland [?]

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Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882, “Letter from Emma Stebbins to Unknown ("Julia"), April 21, 1871,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/500.

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