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  • Tags: travel/touring

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 8, 1852

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1780, SJL to JF, Oct 8, 1852.pdf
Greenwood is pleased to hear of Fields' safe travels but regrets to hear about his recurring seasickness. She is currently staying with the Bennochs and enjoyed her travels in Ireland and Scotland, as mentioned in her Era correspondence. Delf and…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 12, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1779, SJL to JF, Sep 12, 1849.pdf
Greenwood asks Fields to make alterations to her letters written to the National Press and Home Journal. She has arrived in Lynn the day before and met Whittier at the depot. She hopes that Whittier, Whipple, and Fields will arrive in Lynn together…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Apr 13, 1852

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1778, SJL to JF, Apr 13, 1852.pdf
Greenwood regrets the lack of correspondence between Fields and her but is overjoyed at the prospect of seeing him again in England. She will leave Rome on the 15th and travel to Naples and Florence with the Hills. Recently she has not been in good…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 20, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1772, SJL to JF, Oct 20, 1849.pdf
Greenwood has just returned from Salem where has spent the day horseback riding, among other things. She agrees with the arrangement of the volume but wishes she had invested more time in revising the letters as they will be scrutinized upon…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Apr 10, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1770, SJL to JF, Apr 10, 1849.pdf
Greenwood is delighted to find a few of her favorite poems in Fields' new volume. Yet she is surprised to hear of the urgency in regard to the publication of Greenwood Leaves. Recently, she has not written much for publication as both her parents…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Nov 14, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1764, SJL to JF, Nov 14, 1849.pdf
Greenwood recounts Mr. Whipple's visit to Lynn.Mr. Phillips also left for California last March and has since left his friends anxious about his lack of contact. But a few weeks prior they heard the good news of him being on a…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Aug 13, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1756, SJL to JF, Aug 13, 1849.pdf
Greenwood notifies Fields that she will be coming up to Boston with the printed copies for the publication.She has neglected her other correspondents as of late which she intends to take up again. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Aug 11, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1755, SJL to JF, Aug 11, 1849.pdf
Greenwood finally arrives in Lynn after being detained at home and on the way and fears that she is too late for the publication business she and Fields arranged in spring. She wants to meet Fields either at Mrs. Philipps' or in Boston to consult him…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 19, 1848

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1750, SJL to JF, Oct 19, 1848.pdf
In the first half of the letter, Greenwood writes as Sara J. Clarke to Fields. She will not be able to return the following fall but wants to meet him in Boston in the summer. Many of her articles need to be revised and cannot be published yet but…

Greenwood's "Notes from over the Sea," New York Times, Dec 9, 1878

This note is written in Paris on Nov 21, 1878. Greenwood reports her experiences during a fair in Paris and criticizes one of Sarah Bernhardt's roles on stage, which she compares with Charlotte Cushman's Meg Merilies.

Greenwood's "Notes from over the Sea," New York Times, Jan 9, 1876

Greenwood recounts some of her travel experiences from Switzerland. She writes this report in Paris on Dec 20, 1875. Greenwood includes the beautiful scenery, reminiscences of a late friend and the discomforts of her travels.

Greenwood's "Notes from over the Sea," New York Times, Sep 6, 1875

Greenwood writes this note in Lucerne, on Aug 15, 1875. She reviews some performances she witnessed in England during her travels. She mentions Henry Irving, Isabel Bateman, and Salvini.

Greenwood's "Notes from over the Sea," New York Times, Sep 24, 1876

Greenwood writes this note from La Celle St. Cloud on Aug 28, 1876. She reviews some of the works, ideas, and the atmospere of the French and English salons, the art exhibitions. She also mentions Julian Hawthorne and the wedding anniversary of her…

"How Charlotte Cushman Came to Play 'Nancy Sykes,'" The Superior Times, Oct 26, 1878

1878. Superior_Times_Sat__Oct_26.pdf
The reprint from Brewster's article for the Boston Advertiser speaks to Cushman’s performance as Nancy Sykes before she went to England. It is a glowing review and covers Cushman’s financial precarity and beginning of her career. The article is…

Greenwood's "Notes from over the Sea," New York Times, April 30, 1876

Greenwood reports on her travels through Italy. She fondly remembers her time with Cushman 23 years ago when the group of single ladies was referred to as the "happy family." Greenwood calls Cushman their "chaperone."At the beginning, Greenwood…

Ladies Home Journal

Ladies Home Journal.pdf
Ladies Home Journal is a monthly American women's magazine first published by the Curtis Publishing Company of Philadelphia in 1883. Besides short and serial fictional stories, the magazine is devoted to any issues related to home life. It contains…

"Housekeeping in Rome," Charleston Daily News, Dec 25, 1869

1869. Charleston News. Housekeeping in Rome. Omeka.pdf
Originally published in the Philadelphia Bulletin, Brewster writes about how to live comfortably in Rome, differentiating between more and less affluent people. The article gives a graphic "short sketch of life in Rome" and reads like a guide to an…

"Rome," Boston Daily Advertiser, 1870 to 1876

Brewster on Rome 1871.pdf
"Rome" is a column in the Boston Daily Advertiser written by Anne Brewster, in which she gives accounts of any political, cultural, or social news that have occurred in Rome.The included file only serves as an example illustration of the…

"Table Gossip," Boston Daily Globe, Dec 17, 1873 to Dec 25, 1927

Boston Daily Globe_Table Gossip_1908.pdf
"Table Gossip" is a column in the Boston Daily Globe that recounts the latest news circulating in Boston, ranging from marriage announcements to social receptions to travel reports.The included file only serves as an example illustration of the…

"Current Gossip," Chicago Tribune, Aug 23, 1875 to Aug 7, 1887

1877. Chicago Daily Tribune. Brewster Column.pdf
"Current Gossip" is a column in the Chicago Tribune that gives accounts of any political, cultural, or social news. Anne Brewster has contributed reports from Rome as a correspondent.The included file only serves as an example illustration of the…