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Town Topics. The Journal of Society, magazine published in New York (1885-1937)

Town Topics, published in New York, was "the preeminentsociety gossip magazine in the 1880s and 1890s" (Knight 1055). When William d'Alton Mann took over, he "turned it into a scandal sheet of a brazenness never equaled since" (New York Times). He…

"Women as Journalists" - Feature in The Freeman. A National Colored Weekly Newspaper, Feb 23, 1889.

1889_Freeman__February_23_Women as  Journalists (p. 4).pdf
The article, marked as a reprint from The New York Journalist, describes several Black women's careers and achievements as journalists, among them Gertrude Mossell and Lillian A. Lewis. Author Lucy Wilmot Smith begins by highlighting the neglect of…

Gertrude Mossell

Gertrude Mossell, also known as Mrs. N.F. Mossell (1855-1948), was one of the most influental Black female journalists and editors of the late nineteenth century. She wrote, among others, for Indianapolis World, Woman's Era, Colored American…

Lillian A. Lewis

Lillian A. Lewis was one of the first women to make a name for herself as a columnist in Black newspapers. Her Column "They Say" appeared first in The Boston Advocate throughout the 1880s. In the 1890s, she became "the society editress of the Boston…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, n.d.

CCP 3, 846-847, CC to ECC, nd. Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman discusses accommodation arrangements and laments the physical distance between her and Emma, she "cannot bear to have you down there & I up here." Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division,…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, n.d.

CCP 3, 844-845, CC to ECC, nd. Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman discusses nightmares, health issues, and presents for Harriet Hosmer's house who has moved out of the Cushman household in Rome by that time. Cushman describes Emma's son as her and their baby, both are her "darlings, "they are the…

Fragment of a letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, n.d.

CCP 3, 840, CC to ECC, nd. Omeka.pdf
Cushman writes to Emma about some fright bills that Ned should have been taken care of and advises her what to have made for her in Rome. She also asks Emma to write less often. Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript…


Col. Henry George Stebbins

Carte d' visite: Stebbins, Henry G. (Henry George), 1811-1881
Henry Stebbins is the brother of Emma Stebbins and temporally manages Charlotte Cushman's stock market investments as well as Emma Stebbins's financial issues.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, July 2, 1869

CC to Mr Risley, July 2, 1869.pdf
Charlotte Cushman finds herself in a "poor & nervous state of health" and seeks treatment in England. She turns to Risley for business advice submitting to gender steretypes: "I can not know so much about business as if I were a man."She also…


In October 1844, Cushman moves to Europe to pursue her career there. In England, Cushman meets Mary Howitt, Geraldine Jewsbury, Eliza Cook, Sarah Anderton, and Matilda Hays, all of whom turn out to be admirers of her and boost her career in the…

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.pdf
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine is a Scottish magazine founded in 1817 by William Blackwood. The magazine is originally established as a Tory counterweight to the Whiggish Edinburgh Review and quickly gains notoriety by publishing satire on the…

Ladies Home Journal

Ladies Home Journal.pdf
Ladies Home Journal is a monthly American women's magazine first published by the Curtis Publishing Company of Philadelphia in 1883. Besides short and serial fictional stories, the magazine is devoted to any issues related to home life. It contains…

Good Housekeeping

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Good Housekeeping is an American women's magazine first published in Massachusetts in 1885. The magazine aims "to produce and perpetuate perfection [...] as may be attained in the household" and provides its readers with recipes, health advice, and…


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Cosmopolitanis an American women's magazine launched by the Schlicht & Field Company in 1886. It focuses on issues related to fashion, household decor, cooking, and other domestic interests. Over the years, serialized fiction, book reviews,…


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Vogue is an American magazine founded by Arthur Baldwin Turnure in 1892 as a weekly high-society journal. It primarily focuses on New York City's social elite and covers news of the local social scene as well as reviews plays, books, and music. The…

Harper’s Bazaar

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Harper's Bazaar is an American magazine founded by Harper & Brothers in New York in 1867. On the cover of its inaugural issue, the magazine describes itself as "a repository of fashion, pleasure, and instruction."Inspired by the Berlin magazine…

Godey's Lady's Book

Godey's Lady's Book.pdf
Godey's Lady's Book, later known as Godey's Magazine, is an American magazine devoted to women's issues and is first published by L.A. Godey in 1830 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.In 1837, Sarah Josepha Hale becomes the editor of Godey's Lady's Book.…

Anne Brewster Diary Entry, Nov 7, 1868

ABP Box 4 1, diary Nov 1868. Rome. Things unmentionable in a diary.pdf
Brewster writes about her relationship to the Reads and refers to issues that cannot be mentioned in a diary. Credit The Library Company of Philadelphia

"Old Maids," Woman's Voice and Public School Champion, Jan 25, 1896

1896. Woman Voice. Old Maids - Cushman.pdf
The article refers to an account of Frances Willard who was asked to provide information on famous "spinsters" or "old maids." The author adds to this list and refers to Willard's account as a "catalogue of famous spinsters."The author, E.E. F.,…

"Memorabilia of Charlotte Cushman," Chicago Daily Tribune, Feb 27, 1876

1876. Chicago Daily Tribune. Memorabilia. Feb 27, 1876.pdf
The article seeks to contribute to a favorable public image of the actress who is criticized by the Nation after her death as well as, apparently, runs the risk of being depicted as unreligious. This article in the Chicago Daily Tribune counters…