Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, July 2, 1869

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, July 2, 1869


Gender Norms
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Charlotte Cushman finds herself in a "poor & nervous state of health" and seeks treatment in England. She turns to Risley for business advice submitting to gender steretypes: "I can not know so much about business as if I were a man."
She also mentions that her "nephew Mr Cushman was decapitated by Mr Fish," which is why Cushman asks for Risley's support on her nephew's behalf.


Hanson A. Risley Papers, 1774-1908, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hanson A. Risley Papers, 1774-1908, Box 7-D, Rubenstein, Duke University



Letter Item Type Metadata


[page 1] Dear Mr Risley
In consequence of my having fallen into a poor & nervous state of health. I am obliged to seek the quiet of This English mountain place where I am being treated Hydropathically[?] — which always makes me better. Thus I am brought nearer to my American friends. & it makes me reach

[page 2] out my hands in even this small way to find those I value in my own land. among others you will let me seek you. first to ask you to let me know if you have received the font & if you find it satisfactory. and then to ask you to let me hear from you about it, & about your own beings & doings— How your daughters are, & where they are purposing to spend this summer & then to ask you to drop me a line. as you promised. to let me know something about

[page 3] our mutual intrust[?] man +++ Stone C — what it has been doing and what its prospects are you know that as I woman I can not know so much about business as if I were a man. & where I have invested my small earnings I am naturally a little anxious to know how they are progressing — I shall be thankful to you for a line at your best leisure. addressed to me care of Mr Cushman Law Fire Insurance office 114 Chaucery Lane London. England
you know my nephew Mr Cushman was decapitated by Mr Fish. at

[page 4] [line missing] I thought I had deserved something at the hands of Mr Fish. but I suppose I could scarcely expect it. If there is a chance of getting any thing in the Treasury office gift I should be very glad. if you could use any influence for Mr Cushman either at New York or Boston. You must forgive me if I ask too much of you. I shall see you all next Summer I hope — when I purpose visiting the states again. Commend me to your daughters, & hoping to hear from you very soon. Believe me ever very truly yours
Charlotte Cushman
I saw the departure of our dear friend announced at Chicago. Bless him.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Risley, Hanson A. , 1814-1893


Great Malvern , Worcestershire, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, July 2, 1869,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/917.

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