Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, March 26, 1869

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, March 26, 1869


Political Affairs
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Again, Charlotte Cushman writes to Risley thanking him for his support in the Quarry investment and reports about the font shipping. The beloved friend that she repeatedly mentions in these letters is probably William H. Seward who retires from his position of Secretary of State at that time and moves to Auburn.
She also voices her anxiety about the financial investment as she depends on it for income: "what means I have saved by my labours must be so invested as to pay me an interest or income. so that I am always anxious to have it so invested — while those with larger means are enabled to wait the result of investments. taking things 'in the long run.'"


Hanson A. Risley Papers, 1774-1908, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hanson A. Risley Papers, 1774-1908, Box 7-D, Rubenstein, Duke University





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[page 1] Dear Mr Risley
I [line illegible] of March 1st. enclosing receipt for $5000 & papers, explaining the matter of the Maryland +++ Stone in Cs. for which please accept my best thanks. The best of stockholders & Directors. I am very pleased & satisfied to have. & now I shall wait any information which you may +++  for me. regarding prospects of the company. & when we may look for some result from the

[page 2] investment[?]. I can speak to you frankly in the matters I am sure. & tell you that what means I have saved by my labours must be so invested as to pay me an interest or income. so that I am always anxious to have it so invested — while those with larger means are enabled to wait the result of investments. taking things "in the long run". If, after your visit to the Quarry, you find things looking prosperously. & the investment likely to prove such as you would wish for yourself or your sister. & you find it plossible to get more

[page 3] of the shares for me I shall be glad to have them. this or any other +++-lucrative investment which comes in your way. I should be very thankful if you would remember me, in.[?] & let me hear from you. I thank you sincerely for your remembrance of my kinsmen in Richmond & Boston & feel sure, that you will aid me for them, if you can I have information from Leghorn that the Font I sent there to be +++ to a N.Y. vessel. went, all right . & I hope ere this you are in receipt of it. you will be pleased with it. I hope. & all I have done in the matter! I think it in admirable taste!

[page 4] for see by the papers. what is & has been going in Washington. I hope Gail Grant will justify the expectations of his friends & make a good & wise enter. I am so glad to hear from you that over beloved friend went home from Washington happy & contented. Have they removed all their furniture from The house to Auburn? I wish Olive would write & tell me about our friend & what he is purposing to do as five as she can. I do not like to be ignorant as to what point to direct my thoughts to him. Commend me in all affectionateness to both your children & believe me ever your obliged & truly +++
Charlotte Cushman

[page 1 vertical] P.S. Please do me the favour to drop a line. at my +++ to let my agents in N.Y. J & J +++ know how to collect my dividends for my +++ when there shall be[?] any &  Perhaps Mr Haydon[?] will take their address & send a line to him +++ know when there is a dividend for my account.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Risley, Hanson A. , 1814-1893

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, March 26, 1869,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/916.

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