Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, Feb 5, 1869

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, Feb 5, 1869


Political Affairs
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Charlotte Cushman is grateful for Risley's support in becoming a shareholder of the Seneca Stone Quarry and in pushing the careers of her step nephews. She speaks of a mutual friend in politics who is known for his "sagacity & wisdom."


Hanson A. Risley Papers, 1774-1908, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hanson A. Risley Papers, 1774-1908, Box 7-D, Rubenstein, Duke University





Letter Item Type Metadata


[page 1] Dear Mr Risley
Your kind long letter of the 14" of Jany reached me yesterday. & I hasten to acknowledge its receipt, thanking you for the trouble you have taken about the stock in the Stone Quarry. I am very glad to have it & to be associated with my dear friend Mr Seward. & yourself in some speculation which I believe promises so well for us all. I will by this same post & in this same [inserted] envelope which will cover this note to you

[page 2] write to my man of business in Phila Charles +++ to sell out some Reading stock & remit to you the $5000! for the 100 shares which you had kindly secured for me you tell me the money should be there Feby 18/21. but that if it do is not arrive quite so soon you will kindly make arrangements about it — which shall not embarrass you. Hence I will have the remittance made to you. & then[?] get you to acknowledge receipt of the same to him — sending forward at the same time the certificate of stock to my financial agents in New York J & J[?] Stuart & Co. 33. Nassau St

[page 3] Perhaps after this is all accomplished Olive will do me the favor. with your kind prompting to let me have a time from herself — telling me the name of the stock number of certificate &c &c any report or information which may be of use to me in making memorandum here. and checking against my business men in NY. simply. my own private +++— I notice with great interest what you tell me of our beloved friend when he is happy & satisfied. then all is well with those whom he loves — for his influence is felt as the sun & those he cares for are made happy & satisfied also no man I know in the world possesses so much power to give blessing. He has earned this

[page 4] through so pure & so consistent a life. so large & so wise an administrative justice that if any human being can be happy. he should. I am so thankful to hear what you tell me of his health. after all & before all. That is the important thing. He leads so regular a life. That and has arrived at such a grand patience that his health should be good I pray God it may continue. While he lives[?], I know that things will go on well with the country. His sagacity & wisdom, brought as through in our desperate struggle. & there is no man in our land — who thinks, & who uses his brain without unworthy predjudice or influence but who knows & in his heart feels this to be true.

[page 5] God was good, & made him for one need God will be ever good. & posterity will his — the largest name in the history of one time & on the shores where the +++ present rolls & sleeps! his name will stand among the largest benefactors of his kind. I love him with a most profound reverence & respect. at the same time. he is so sweetly & simply human that when with him. he dispels the awe which his great genius & character would excite. & I. find myself able to speak to him upon the most small & intimate affairs of my own life. as though he were not my ideal man. or master of men to whom

[page 6] one should come silently & stand with head uncovered! ah. he is, what the Germans call "Konig" [sic] a king of him. It seems to me so hard. That our Institutions seem to make it impossible for such as he, to be the one place for which the almighty so ably fitted them. Let us hope!! The font is in progress. & I hope you will before very long hear about it. For your promised influence with regard to my step nephews. I shall be deeply grateful to you. & count upon you, as our dear friend & you yourself [inserted] have justified me in doing.
commend me with all affection to your daughters. & believe me with esteem, & many thanks for your kind attention. ever faithfully yours
Charlotte Cushman


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Risley, Hanson A. , 1814-1893


Rome, Italy

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Location (Recipient)

Washington DC, US

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addressed to: Henry A. Rushy Esq Treasury Department Washington D.C.

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Hanson A. Risley, Feb 5, 1869,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/914.

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