Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Josepha Hale, Sep 22, 1830

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Josepha Hale, Sep 22, 1830


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Hale, Sarah Josepha, 1788-1879
Cook, Eliza, 1818-1889
United States--Philadelphia


Harold Moulton sends photostatic copies of two autographed letters to Lorenz in this correspondence. For the transcription of the second letter, see Item 1020.
The first letter is from Charlotte Cushman to Mrs Sarah J. Hale, Editor of “Lady’s Book” (Philadelphia). Cushman would like to "correct" the public image of Eliza Cook and Hale will publish this account.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


LoC, JLP 5





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[page 4]
[Letter from Charlotte Cushman addressed to] Mrs Sarah J. Hale. Editor of "Lady's Book" Philadelphia Tremont House Boston Sep "22nd 18[??]
Dear Madam. Business of an urgent nature has alone prevented me from sooner replying to your kind favour of the 17 "inst. In acknowledgement of your flattering request I have no copy of the sketch of me, which Mary Howitt wrote. yet I should so much prefer your selecting what you required. from that sooner. that I will send to London by Wednesday's mail. for a copy. It will, most likely reach me somewhere about the end of +++. Will that be too late? [page 5] I will also write. to my friend. Eliza Cook to ask her permission. to let me give you any particular of her early life. which may live in my memory. I shall be in N.Y. from the 7" to the end of Oct & probably in Phila, after that time. When I could give you verbally, perhaps a better description [inserted for illegible, crossed-out word] than I could write of her. An account which would tend to correct the very erroneous ideas, which are entertained not only in this country. but in England respecting her. She is a wonderfully gifted woman, but few know how gifted, & I should be glad to have a true woman like yourself give to the world a true account of her. Trusting that I may have the pleasure of seeing you. Either in New York or Boston Phila.  I remain Ever very truly Yours Charlotte Cushman Mrs S. J. Hale


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hale, Sarah Josepha, 1788-1879

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“Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Josepha Hale, Sep 22, 1830,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/1021.

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