Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 1, 1871

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 1, 1871


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Booth, Edwin, 1833-1893
Actors and Actresses--US American


An exchange of letters in which Charlotte Cushman and Edwin Booth negotiate her salary. Cushman is unsure whether she will be able to return to the stage because of her illness and feels "fearful".


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hampden Booth Theatre Library





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[page 1, left] what [...] she will want for the Matinée if she does it whether she will prefer day or night.
E. B.

[page 1, right]
Villa Garland
Hyde Park,
N. Y.
July 1 1871

Dear Mr Booth
Many thanks for your favours
of the 28". recc yesterday.
Calculating, not only upon the various
relations which should make my return
to the stage a strong attraction. but
upon what I hve heard (from the best
authority) as to the terms now paid
to Mr [...] & others, I have certain
-ly expected to do better than your
letter proposes. I have been offered
more money for readings. I believe I should be more troubled than you would be if my [...] should not

[page 2, left]
pay you. but I believe it will do so. Even
if you make an effort to meet me between
my expectations & your proposition.
for terms I must ask, being five
hundred dollars pernight for the
first two weeks of each play. & four
hundred dollars pernight for the
last two weeks of each play.
In the event of your feeling able to
meet these terms. (for what might per-
[without ...]haps be considered. an
exceptional attraction,) I should infinitely prefer
Mr Davenport to any one, after yourself
for Macbeth & Wolsey & should
have asked for you to try to Engage

[page 2, right]
him. but I feared. perhaps, it might
interfere with his managerial plans
I should be only too delighted to have
him. But I am sure you will do
what is best for both our sakes. I will
endeavour to cooperate with you in all
I have here on the 8th for Newport
De Blois Cottage [...] St. when I
expect to arrive on the 10th.
commend me affectionately
to your small family & believe me
yours most truly yours
Charlotte Cushmman

[in Booth's handwriting] Have offered you 500 pr
night for 6 nights instead
if she plays 2 [...] saturdays

[page 3, left]
"why I should fear I know not. & yet I feel
I fear." however, you must understand
your own interest, [...]& I must
not intrude my suggestions further, than
to remind you, that neither Lady Macbeth
Nor [...] can carry the
play on their own individual shoulders.
& the whole may be marred by a part
Of course you intend to produce the
plays. as you told me, in the same
full & perfect way. That you produced
Hamlet & the Winters Tale. Neither
of the two heavenplays, of Macbeth
& Henry 8th will run on the attraction
of one name, for either of the two
name characters.
and now, as to the pecuniary
part of the matter! As I am not
ignorant of the value of my return
to the stage as a finality. I am afraid

[page 3, right]
Villa Garland
Hyde Park
N. Y.
June 21st 1871
My dear Mr Booth.
Your letter of the 17th met me
on my arrival here, last night.
whether I had [...] my letters send
to [...] hence, the slight delay
which I hope has been no incon-
venience to you. I hasten to reply to
your note. & yet. I hardly know what to
say— as to my ability to meet your wish
that I should act, so soon as Sep 25th.
Although I am much better &
stronger than I was, still there remains
this local difficulty, which may
have to be removed in July or August
(it shall be in July. if possible, so as to

[missing transcription for page 4]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hyde Park

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 1, 1871,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/1025.

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