Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Eliza Meteyard

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Eliza Meteyard


Meteyard, Eliza, 1816-1879
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Hays, Matilda Mary, 1820-1897


In this letter to English author Eliza Meteyard, Charlotte Cushman inquires about payment rates for journal articles in England (presumably on behalf of Matilda Hays)


Stead Collection, Billy Rose Theatre Division, The New York Public Library


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


NYPL, Stead Collection



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Dear Ms Meteryard,
will you not forget to remember / +++ a bull (?) for you / to get from Mr Loreth (?) the information I asked of you as to the usual [underlined] payment for the different writers according to their positions & the articles they write. Any information you may be able to obtain for me I shall be quite confidential upon & very thankful to you for. I am going out of town [page 2] tomorrow to return on Monday morning. Will you come to see me [last three words crossed out] on Tuesday & lunch with me? In the afternoon we will go to +++ if you please I see[?] the +++ +++ +++ near[?] home. Can you make this convenient?
Lizzie Lynne has returned from Paris. My brother called on me this morning. Pardon my reminding you of this information which I wish to obtain & believe me with every feeling of respect & esteem. Ever faithfully yours, Charlotte Cushman +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ Will you let me furnish you with means to +++ your "crockery shop" & make you comfortable until your people

[continued on page 1] come to some tangible decision or until you begin to work for our journal [underlined twice]! Don't think me +++ or intrusive. I don't know exactly how to ask you, therefore have spoken out plainly +++ to you +++ in my wish not to offend you. But henceforth don't give I.O.U's & have you +++ in such uncertain positions. Send to me when you want +++ I have asked you to do this before & am willing & able. [continued on page 2]

way of compensation. But this I mention only [inserted] as a subject of leisure which cannot be better employed. I am very thankful to Lizzie Lynne for affording me an opportunity of knowing you. it is not the last of her kindnesses. Bless her. She has indeed a noble & affectionate nature & will +++ all you say of her & meeting as we do upon such an introduction as she has afforded us, it will be hard indeed if we cannot be [page 1]

friends. But it is strange that I was only waiting to learn your address which Miss Hays had promised to get for me to write to you, so you see there was a sort of destiny in[?] our knowing each other but I am very happy in the medium. Thank you very much for your kind note may I hope to hear from you at some leisure. I shall remain here until the 29th.

Believe me ever most faithfully yours,
Charlotte Cushman


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Eliza Meteyard,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/129.

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