Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, Sept 20, 1861

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, Sept 20, 1861


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Mercer, Sallie
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908


Charlotte Cushman addresses Emma Crow's marriage with Ned Cushman. Additionally, she informs Emma about financial issues of Emma Stebbins's work as a sculptor.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 1:326-327





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[326] I have been so very much occupied during this one week which I have +++ myself in Paris that I have not had time to write to my darling as I could wish. but she will forgive me knowing how dearly I love her & how much I want to write to her. Never doubt my love my darling. never doubt that I want you more than you want me. My life can never be entirely whole until I +++ when I can be with you always.! I write you a tiny note to send with some boots & some soap, pommade &, on Monday by a Mr +++. who sailed in the +++. he promises to send them on to you by Adams. if he does not, you can write a little note. He is a large silk merchant in New York. I hope you will like the boots & that they will fit you. Esti [Ester] said they were exactly your measure. I altered the name on their books. so that now you can +++ for what you want. & I have a good kind +++ friend here. Mrs Deming[?]. who lives 57. +++ route +++ +++. Corner of Rue Louis Phillipe - who promises to exactly any commission which you may want if you will write to her. I am having two pairs of boots with Elastique, one think / not so thick as those I sent the other day / & one thin ( a half dozen pairs of gloves, by a Mrs Graves who sails from Liverpool on the 28th. I am going to see her tonight about it. & if she wont take them. I will find somebody else. I wish I could send you all [underlined] Paris you darling. I love you well enough to give it to you all. if I had the means! I am hoping very much that your father may be able to send me my St Louis interests for October. but I am afraid! Your dear letter of the 3d. reached me here on the 18 I was & even am so happy when I get a letter from

[reverse] you. I know that you love me. I know you think of me but I like the letter proof! [both words underlined] Dont [sic] fail to send me my weekly letter if you have time & strength - but dont [sic] tire yourself to write me. It worries me very much to think darling that you continue so weak. I cannot understand it. & it grieves me very much. You were a dear good darling to come back from Newport so quick on Neds account. & I love you very much for this & every proof of love you give me. Dont [sic] try Ned [?] too much dear. you win not if +++ of his character of his "lacks" when you married him. & married him not withstanding. Then be patient. & not expect too much from a young man+++ as he has been. You ought to have married a much cleverer man & one who would have +++ you. if you would have been quite happy - but you did not. you chose for yourself. He loved you firstly [inserted] because he was educated to do so. before he saw you & then, after, because you chose [underlined] he should. so now that the weaknesses of his desposition become more appearant. you must not find him too faulty. He is a good desposition you can make him what you will. & much depends on you. I fear then +++ wants in his physical head [underlined] he lacks +++. because he has had his Grandmother to be +++ for him. He never was taught any +++ right principle of action or thought. how can he then learn it at once so late in life: You must teach +++ him greatly. not capriciously - or sporadically. & by teaching him you will learn patience yourself! I am glad you had a day with Mrs Stowe. she is clever. & I love her very much. I am glad you spoke with her about +++ - it was a good thing to do.

[327] You enjoyed New York too. & The valley is pretty is it not. By +++ will you ask her dear when you see her if the Dr recd a letter[?] from her on the business of the statue. & whether he agrees with me that he & Miss Stebbins are bound to each other. she is going to make the statue. for the sums[?] they are able to raise now & after. she will make the sketch & send them a photograph of it. & then if they decide that it is good enough for their sum of money she will go on with it. By the way dear Hattie has not been ill at all but has been for some time enjoying herself very much at a bathing place near +++. I had such a jolly letter from her the other day. I am afraid I shall have no horse next winter. John Brook has not been able to find me one. & I cannot afford to take one from England. but I shall walk the more & perhaps that will be better for me. I will drive[?] out & walk in the country. & aunt Em [Emma Stebbins] will +++ +++ the chaise. Dear will you tell aunt Belle[?] - that the letter from Sam[?] - which I ought to have left in America but which Sallie had tucked away among my things & so out of sight out of mind - is in England in one of my boxes. I cannot get at it now. I am so very sorry. She shall have it when I go back! I am so +++ to hear about poor dear Charley. I hope you always give my love to him. It is what I would do [word crossed out] & it is kind of you to think to +++ it without[?] my telling you. - Dear I am so pleased with your house. & the things in it. It is a great prolification to me. & you are  +++ to tell her how they were pleased

[reverse] Ever my kind love to them always. I hope your father saw Col Stebbins in New York. if so he will know that Mr Bishop in Chicago. dear not get at al the +++ about the property - or rather the mortgage upon its +++ Mr Ruse[?] [underlined] proposed to sell & not Mr Brouson[?]. But I think your father will perhaps write to me by this next steamer which will bring her letters which I shall perhaps find in Florence. I was so glas of dear Neds letter. I will write to him next time I get half an hour of quiet. You say nothing in your last about the China matter. I am afraid you have given it up. If you are in delicate health I +++ think it would do you good to have such a vayage[?] dont you? I told Col Stebbins. if  your father decides to let you & Ned go. (& I dont see how he could refuse. as he dont [sic] interfere with you now you are married). That he was to +++ the money wanted. However my next leter will perhaps tell me more. Sallie sends dear love to you & Ned. She talks to me of you very much and always "those children! I do want to see them so!" Aunt Em sent you a little pair of gilt[?] +++ for your +++ dress. God ever bless you my own darling - will you send the enclosed letter & ever believe in the affectionate devotion of your own own fondly lover,
Auntie Ladie


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Paris, France

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, Sept 20, 1861,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/250.

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