Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, June 11, 1871

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, June 11, 1871


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Jackson, Helen Hunt
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Social Events--Travels
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex


Charlotte Cushman left Newport for the Villa Boscobel. Cushman refers to Emma Stebbins as 'Miss Stebbins' who Cushman did not see for seven weeks as she emphasizes.
Cushman admits that she is thinking of Helen Hunt: "I think of you often & much & wish – well never mind – it is no good telling you what I wish. You are happier as you are!"
Cushman also mentions the book again which Hunt sent her and refers to herself as a busy 'business man.'

Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876





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What have I been doing all this time? Wandering, sweating, complaining! On leaving Newport, I proceeded immediately to Boscobel, where I remained five days – oh, such warm days, Even then, that I was frightened of going to Phila where I was bound on business, but I was obliged to wait JW Ogdens convedience, & day after day I fretted to be off, until Friday 19th when we started for New Jersey getting to Phila Saturday evening 20th, then, oh I cannot describe the sweltering heat, only one day during my stay there was I able to go out, & then I walked mopping my face all the way. I don’t think I ever felt the heat so much in my life, and a sort of despair seized upon me. If so hot now in May, what would become of me in July & August, & oh what will? On the 27th, I left Phila for Boscobel again where we were invited to meet Mr & Mrs M Caps, Mr Ofdun Lish from Chicago, Miss Stebbins from whom I had been separated seven weeks, met me there, & we remained [?] 3 of June when we came up here. The three first days were so warm that I could only write what was absolutely necessary as business letters, & when you reflect that I am my own business man, it is not little that I have to do in that way, and this, carina is my apology for not having sooner made a sign to you of “being alive.” In writing to Emma Cushman last Wednesday, I bid her let me know when you were leaving Newport, but like an idiot failed to ask her to get your different addresses in N.Y. New Haven &c. so now, what am I to do? Send this to Newport & ask them to forward it – is it now too ridiculous! For after all, it is only to tell you that no mouths can deny my short comings. I think of you often & much & wish – well never mind – it is no good telling you what I wish. You are happier as you are! I wonder if I shall get to Bethlehem this summer. I begin to feel the Desert grow fainter but then, there is a steamboat between me & the Desert, & a chance of being tossed & this is horror! Have you heard – of course you have of poor Cate Fields [Kate Field?] trouble, poor girl, only think she had written a letter which was [posted?] at Queenstown to say they were both well & had had a long passage, almost without motion of the sea! & poor Mrs. Sandford received this after the dreadful telegram. How very, very sad! Where are you dear? Do you think you could muster courage to come up here for a little visit previous to your going to Bethlehem. Mrs. Garland begs me to say how very pleased she would be to see you & Miss Stebbins begs me to ask you to come. I am here until the 7th of July, & then go to Newport for six weeks. Let me hear from you dear. I kiss you a hundred times for the sweet sweet morning & Evening songs, dear, you sing sweeter & more sweet every time. These have gone into “the book” which ‘my dear’ gave me.
Ever believe me through short or long comings, your Ever lovingly attached C.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885


Villa Garland Hyde Park
Dutchess County, NY, US

Geocode (Latitude)


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Helen Hunt Jackson Papers, Part 2, Ms 0156, Box 1, Folder 17, letters from Charlotte Cushman to HH, 1871-75. Transcribed by Nancy Knipe, 2007, https://libraryweb.coloradocollege.edu/library/specialcollections/Manuscript/HHJ2-1-17.html. Accessed 30 March, 2020.

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, June 11, 1871,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/259.

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