Letter from Unknown to Charlotte Cushman, Aug 22, 1859

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Letter from Unknown to Charlotte Cushman, Aug 22, 1859


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Actors and Actresses


Song, Drawings


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cook, Eliza, 1818-1889


LoC, CCP Box 16, page 31-34





Letter Item Type Metadata


[page 31] care of Mrs Campbele

Dear Charlotte! yours of the 7th caught me on the way for Brighton— I have just got down here & look after "Cupid & psyche" Burlesque with that original music I played you—It present [sic] [mere[?] difficulties that can be carily [sic] removed by my presence — the new is always +++ — but a series of tentatives are indepensable to write "Opus!" — which "+++ by" tis [sic] time t'has done! Who'll write me a Big Litretto? & Historical! Grand! Crammed with contrates. Soldiers! Sailors! Peasants! Monks! Nuns! —Cavalier Round head—

[page 31 reverse] shadows of human thought – Your musician has a sublter ear for he decides his one into a sixteenth! +++! An infinity of accents that can be given, within the extremes of +++ + what remains undone? Harmonically! this will generate mischief unthought of! —Rhytmacally [sic] your 2' & 3' alternated judiciously, will upset all anticipation of your intented where abouts

[page 32] the passionate. The pathetic. The Heroes. The tragic, the comic! +++ +++ write me a litretto ??????? and echo +++." Is Tom Taylor the man"? Could he do it?— Would be do it? Why shouldn’t[?] he do it? He ought to do it! He might do it! If he would! Why not! say! And thus you get your new[?] Rhythms? which bye the by is a large field yet unexplored +++  your +++ & your +++: — — oh its [sic] a clumsy tool that! & reckon the shades

[page 32 reverse] Wagner is! +++ is got by +++! +++ by 5/4. but that wont [sic] do it! No two leaves exactly alike. get +++ the tree covered with leaves

[page 32 right and left, turn page] and then your change of accent is infinite & .. & .. Dont [sic] forgive me I save! wind! a letter to the Earl-hills scattering!

[page 32 top, turn page] Lone & +++ Household +++ +++ here a +++! Drop me a line. Say! Joe[?] 

[page 34 drawings] a letter in Hieroglyphes written by Made Malebran[?]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Edinburgh, UK

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Cook, Eliza, 1818-1889, “Letter from Unknown to Charlotte Cushman, Aug 22, 1859,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/346.

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