Letter from Annie Fields to Charlotte Cushman, Feb 5, 1868[?]

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Letter from Annie Fields to Charlotte Cushman, Feb 5, 1868[?]


Fields, Annie, 1834-1915
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Annie Fields discusses article publications and art business in this letter. Fields emphasizes that the public should be grateful to Cushman. She calls the public an "obedient sheep" that can be influenced easily by public figures. Annie Fields sends love to Emma Stebbins knowing about Cushman and Stebbins being together in person.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Fields, Annie, 1834-1915


LoC, CCP 11





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[3302] Dear friend Charlotte 
At best after such weary waiting – the beautiful busts & bas-reliefs have been opened and exposed though not yet publicly Dr Upham is  delighted as well as all who have seen them. Mrs Stowe, and I made a pilgrimage to their small den and, as she said, experienced a new sensation looking at them. They have been already photographed and doubtless copies will be sent to you. Will you write again
what you once said about the sculptors having three other busts & bracketts We should like to know the subject. Dr Upham's idea is, to have a public exhibition, and to have simultaneously an article by Mr. Dwight appear in the "Atlantic Monthly" about these busts which will be copied into daily papers. This will bring +++ before the public and if there are three more bust and was bas-reliefs in the hands of 

[3303] sculptor perhaps your desire might be  fulfilled of having the six together They would certainly make a beautiful feature in the hall if they could be inserted on either both [inserted] sides. In the meantime the city will not forget to be grateful to you for what you have done and you +++ +++ soon to hear officially of the  reception there beautiful things receive. We like the Palestrina especially, though I believe Mr. Dwight is to tell the obedient sheep called the public that the Mozart is the shrine at which  particular worship must be given; but these things are matters of taste and little consequence, provided we all talk about them and contest different points with regard to them, until the city is fired with desire to see, hear and understand and remember for that is "to know" according to the great Rubens. We are having a good winter this side of the "Atlantic". Plenty of snow for externals and Charles Dickens for internals - Could we be better off? You know we must brag[?] of what we have when we write to Rome you have spring and we the +++ +++  +++ +++

[3302 reverse] I will not +++ the whole sheet because of the +++ of really +++, but reg on to give our continued affectionate regard to Emma Stebbins  and best wishes to your own family. Life goes on [inserted] with +++ much as ever only more so, and the ties between old friends, so far as they were ever true, grows [inserted] truer  and stronger, and so +++ more, with  +++ and affectionate regard to you, dear  friend, from both  +++ and to Emma, +++ +++ yours most sincerely & affectionately Annie Fields


Field, Kate, 1838-1896


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Boston, MA, US

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Rome, Italy

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Fields, Annie, 1834-1915, “Letter from Annie Fields to Charlotte Cushman, Feb 5, 1868[?],” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/378.

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