Letter from Mary Howitt to Charlotte Cushman, Monday

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Letter from Mary Howitt to Charlotte Cushman, Monday


Actors and Actresses--US American
Howitt, Mary, 1799-1888
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Howitt has not been able to call due to a Miss Gillies being haunted by a man. She also wanted to see Cushman's Lady Macbeth performance but couldn't do so because of a thunderstorm. Howitt invites Cushman and her brother over. It's likely that this letter is written before Cushman's career soars as Howitt speaks about the world's "gratulation" that will "one day" be hers.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Howitt, Mary, 1799-1888


LoC, CCP 11: 3393-3395



Letter Item Type Metadata


[3393]Monday morning 
My dear Miss Cushman.  Thank you for your note. The sight of your handwriting was pleasant indeed.  I will tell you why I did not call on Thursday – I arrived  at Miss [Gillies[?] rooms before  she did. Poor thing she was in a world of trouble & annoyance from the threats of that horrible man. How important is law to help the weak! If you have half an hour 

[3393 reverse]
to spare go & call on her for it will do her good to see &  hear you. – I sat with her quite to my own surprise  until 3 o'clock & you had told me I must come before 4. Or you were going  to Mrs. Chorleys – +++ +++ did not +++ +++ while to call for a few minutes when I might find you dressing[?] besides which we meant to have been in Town on Friday to have seen you in Lady 

[3394] Macbeth – which I wanted greatly. We set off but were caught in this terrible thunder storm & were obliged willy nilly to  +++ +++best of our way home again – I fancied all day yesterday you would come. Your room was in order for you but you came not — Your are ceremonious[?] I see you must be invited. We have a bed also for your brother now that Mr. Müller is gone – to do not scruple in coming  On[?]

[3394 reverse] Friday we will be right glad to see you – but come to stay then all night – & tell us all your adventures. I have [sat] down again to work hard at my translation - so that your company & your pleasant talk will make a charming +++ +++ &  shall be my pastime. I am glad that "great ladies" are doing the polite to you. Lady +++ will bewitch[?] you. If you dare[?]

[3395] You will be charmed with Miss Milford.. She is one of my husband's old flames –  My impression is that Miss  Milford will not let you return on Thursday – She will  have to drive all about her  sweet bowery lanes from Mr[?]  Houls[?] of one hearty country gentleman to another - If you are  tempted to stay over the night  do - & we will be just as glad to see you on Saturday

[3395 reverse] creature, do not  +++ yourself now, what will  you do in twelve months! I rejoice in this thought of the whole world's gratulation [illegible crossed out] which will one day be yours. –  May God bless you I write in haste. & with[?]  +++ love
Our dear Miss Cushman 
yours ever 
M Howitt 


Howitt, Mary, 1799-1888


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876

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Howitt, Mary, 1799-1888, “Letter from Mary Howitt to Charlotte Cushman, Monday,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 22, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/380.

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