Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Grace Greenwood, July 9, 1852

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Grace Greenwood, July 9, 1852


Actors and Actresses--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904
Howitt, Mary, 1799-1888
Hays, Matilda Mary, 1820-1897
Social Events--Travels
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex


Charlotte Cushman tells Grace Greenwood about a quarrel with a friend of Hays who thinks that Cushman "stole" Hays from her. At the moment, Grace Greenwood is with Hays but Charlotte will return to them soon. She informs Grace about her travel plans in the near future. Charlotte would like Grace to come to Rome with them.




Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


DMR, Charlotte Cushman Correspondence, Box 1





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[page 1] Forgive me, dearest Grace, that I write on office paper. but I am just in from Seaforth, waiting for the Doctor to fetch me to Rose Hill. I purposed writing to you to day. & wishing to lose no time. have seized upon the doctors paper pen & ink. rather than wait for that which would be more ship- shape. I am truly delighted to hear that you are well & happy & enjoying the new sights & associations which surround you. I know how much they affected me. +++  as I was. what must they be to you? I can well imagine how the excitements will exhaust you, that you will feel the absolute need of rest, before long. But there is so much yet to see. That I hardly know, if you are tired already, what is to

[page 2] become of you before it will be time to go to Rome. I surely hope you will join us in one pilgrimage to, & sojourn there, I think we can take good care of you. +++ purpose leaving England about the first of October, remaing a fortnight in Paris, & then getting on to Marseilles by the way of Avignon & Lyons. At Marseilles, we shall post, I think, to Genoa, & at Genoa, take boat to Civita Vecchia, reaching Rome, about the first of November. We shall travel as comfortably & inexpensively, as we choose amongst ourselves, after we once get started. But I hope to see you in London & talk the matter over. before you leave for Ireland & Scotland I hope to leave here on the 20th for London & think to remain a few days. There, before getting my +++ +++ out, Miss Hays finding the heat of town, & knowing my suffering there from, is anxious to get me to Hendon as soon as possible. Therefore says to you

[page 3] that I go out of town immediately. But I have certain things to do, which will make that impossible. & I hope to have one or two good "settles" (as Miss Jewsbury used to call them) with you before you go. have you seen Mary Howitt to yet, or Rogers? Did you have any conversation with Chorley at Madam Sartoris'? Is she not a fine woman? What of the shows or Theatres have you seen. Tell me something of yourself if you have time. How did you like Miss Hays [sic] friend Mrs Braysher, who has an ungodly horror of me, which I much wish to dissipate, as happier for Miss Hays & herself, if she would only think so. She has an idea that I stole Miss H. from her. & hates me accordingly. poor woman. You are to dine with them. Tell Miss Hays what you have not seen. That you would like to see, & I will manage it when I come to London, if in mortal power I have told her to take you to +++. who is par excellence,

[page 4] the thing to be seen & admired in all the lyric world of art! So grand a actress, to my mind. has not lived on the lyric stage & with the exception of Rachel. I dont [sic] believe so fine an actress ever lived. The artist soul in [inserted] my soul. prostrates itself, at her feet. & she lives longer in my heart than any artist. since the days of my young hero worship of Fanny Kemble. Norma, you must see her in. as her own. Have you heard Albert Smiths [sic] ascent of Mont Blanc. which I hear is very fine? How many questions I have asked you. Well. answer them verbally to Miss Hays. if you have not time to write. (I know what occupation is in London to a new comer) & she as my right hand will tell my left all my [inserted] curosity asks of you. Good bye & God bless you. Hold me still in your loving heart as not unworthy so warm a place.

& believe me ever admiringly & affectionately



How very glad I shall be to see you!


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Liverpool, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Grace Greenwood, July 9, 1852,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/424.

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