Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Nov 29, 1870

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Nov 29, 1870


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Social Events--Travels
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex


Col Higginson is still searching for a house for Cushman in Newport. He is negotiating with Mr Riggs.
Emma Stebbins is increasingly suffering from a condition that has to be monitored by a doctor.

Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876




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Yes, dearie,
you are quite right as to what I want in Newport. Col Higginson gave me an idea of what I should have to pay for the accommodation you name, but it is barely possible that you may "witch" JW. Riggs--& may be able to make even a better arrangement--& yet I am sure that Col Higginson could do with Mr. Riggs as much as woman could. But we shall see, when you come to tell him all we want. It may be that I should like to have another bed room, for occasional friends who may run from Boston to see me, so you shall ask about that too. I shall leave here (all going well) on Monday the 2nd of Jany, stay a few days in New York, see Dr.[Inftel?] to know if my Enemy has strengthened himself at my Expense during this time I shall be here. If it has materially increased I may have to stay a little in New York, but I trust to be able to leave in J-at the latest on the 14th Jany, & I want to try to stay in Newport six weeks! So, here you have my calculation & know what I want to do. I hope it may not interfere with any of your plans, for I want you to be in Newport when we are there. Much-very much!

Have you seen the Stearns' in Boston, & do you know Annie [Severn?]?

One thing I wish to ask you dear about this physical trouble for which you tell me you are stopping a bit in Boston. Is the man to whom you are confiding yourself a man who has been performing some wonderful cures in cases of Hemorrhoids & Piles? If so I want to know something of his system. Miss Stebbins has been advised seriously to go to Boston to consult a man there, & it may be this is the man & the system-will you make some enquiries & like a sweet soul write & tell me about it all. My poor friend is suffering dreadfully since we arrived & must do something! This is one reason too [while?] we must stop a bit in New York, & her family won't listen to her going away from them until after the Xmas & New Year holidays.

No dear Mr. Johnson has not sent me the word of welcome that you have been sweet enough to show to the world to let them see of what value I am. I will send for a copy. Your "Miracle play" is splendid & exactly like you. This makes the great [thrust?] of your writing that it is so naturally as you would talk. How very glad I shall be to see you again!!!!

Let me hear again when you have leisure & know me as I am your faithful, [devoted?]
Charlotte Cushman.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885


Hyde Park

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Nov 29, 1870,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/446.

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