Letter from Emma Stebbins to Helen Hunt Jackson, Oct 5, [1869?]

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Letter from Emma Stebbins to Helen Hunt Jackson, Oct 5, [1869?]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Jackson, Helen Hunt
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Social Events--Travels


Emma Stebbins calls Charlotte Cushman her "patient" and is very anxious about Charlotte. Very slowly, Charlotte is recovering from her operation. They plan to visit Emma Crow Cushman with her children soon before returning to Rome.

Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Helen Hunt Jackson Papers, Part 2, Ms 0156, Box 2, Folder 25h, two letters from Emma Stebbins to HHJ, 1869 and not dated.
Transcribed by Gloria Helmuth, 2003.



Letter Item Type Metadata


Dear Mrs Hunt.

I am afraid you will get to London, without finding this little word you asked me for, & that thought troubles me much. But the truth is, retribution has about overtaken me - for the overstrain which has been put upon heart & brain & nerves, during all this miserably anxious time. I thought I must be made of rum & so I was so busy as the need lasted, but as soon as the tension was relaxed, I broke down and so have been very weak & poorly and been obliged to neglect my correspondence. I cannot quite make out from your letters exactly when you expect to be in London - but if you are with the Elliotts, you will have heard some late news of me, through a note I wrote to Charles E. - some little time ago - sent through Barings - which has never yet been acknowledged. - That spoke of slow but steady improvement and now I am so happy to be able to tell you that each day my patient returns more & more into normal condition of well people. She has been sitting up for seven days, and walking a very little - & to day for the first time she stood a moment or two at the window & looked out on busy Princes St. and the gardens opposite. & the green slopes & craggy manes of the Castle Hill - She is very weak but she is less changed than you could suppose - after all she has passed through -, we begin to talk again of the future, & of plans & movement but not yet of fixed times - as soon as we can see - from here - we are getting as far as Manchester, and rest in that neighborhood, at a friends house some days - then we get to Malvern, where Miss Cushman & the children are - & where we shall remain possibly a fortnight - then we shall get to see some friends near London - your dear self among them and by that time we hope to be able to wend our way toward Rome - You, I suppose, don't look in that direction. - The Roman pilgrims are all wending their way there now, Annie Gordon is at Venice. Mrs Whittle at Florence - my sister gets back from Sorento on the 10th. It seems far away from us yet - but every day it looks nearer, God be thanked for all his mercies! Let us hear from you soon, that we may know where to find you. When we get to London - or why would it not be a nice [stiring?] for you to take a little trip to Malvern while we are there? Think of it - & let us know. - With ... & kind remembrances to the Elliotts - I am ever

Affect.ly yours,

Emma Stebbins


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885


Clarendon Hotel.
Edinburgh, UK

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Location (Recipient)

C.W. Elliott, Esq.
21 Norfolk Street
Strand W.C.

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Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882, “Letter from Emma Stebbins to Helen Hunt Jackson, Oct 5, [1869?],” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/453.

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