Letter from William Henry Seward to Frederick William Seward, September 16, 1868

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Letter from William Henry Seward to Frederick William Seward, September 16, 1868


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
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Cushman writes a "manly" letter expressing "feminine" appreciation.


Seward Family Digital Archive





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My Dear Frederick,
Your broker sends you a Stock circular. General Mott passed through Malta on the 20th of August, the most oppressive day experienced in that African climate, and left on the Steamer which brought him there, for Constantinople. He put into the care of the Consul, Mr. Winthrop, a small box which contains a very pretty Maltese silver cross, which the Consul has sent to Mrs. Anna Seward with the General's compliments and the Consul's anxious wishes for its safe arrival. I will send the letter to you when I have acknowledged it to the Consul. The cross I will retain here till Anna's return. Mrs. Charlotte Cushman writes me a very manly letter, in which, like herself, she expresses a very proper, though feminine, appreciation of Anna, and desires to be affectionately remembered to Anna and to yourself. I will send that letter also as soon as I shall have acknowledged it. It would seem that Miss Cushman cannot come to Washington before the middle of October. Governor Morgan arrived here night before last and told me that he was opposed to calling an extra session of Congress even upon the Bank's plan. General Schenck arrived here yesterday morning and informed the Postmaster General that he also was opposed to an extra session even upon the Bank's plan. Last night they convened and issued a Summons for Congress to assemble with a suggestion that they proceed upon the Bank's plan! It thus seems that I but too well understood both. All seems quiet along the lines. Mrs. Risley's case is again a subject of anxiety. She has yet to pass the crisis of a typhoid fever.
Affectionately yours
William H Seward


Washington DC, US

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Seward Family Digital Archive,

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“Letter from William Henry Seward to Frederick William Seward, September 16, 1868,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/480.

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