Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Aug 16, 1856

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Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Aug 16, 1856


Social Events--Travels
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
New York Times


Chorley mentions The Times, illness, Madame Vestris, and a potential meeting.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


LoC, CCP 19:2923-2942





Letter Item Type Metadata


[2931] Thank you for your note, dear friend, with its date of the 9th – It answers, to a certain degree, key indirect enquiry about "Playing with +++", & by so doing, justifies me in counting it, as "nothing by its 'self nothing" among probable +++ of +++. — I am obliged to calculate more sharply than suits my elderly desire for ease – owing to being menaced with the loss of a slice of the +++ small properity I can call my own: but once certain, one knows how to manage. without as well as with, & to me, as you know, not disappointment but appointment has been the rule;. so I am not downcast. — I am glad to think you will be in town in November: because, whist we will have, & if not by war[?], by rush. light— We shall not meet in Liverpool — as there was a moment's chance. — My children are ill 

[2931 reverse] and I am in a plight to be oppression rather than cheering to them. — So, I think, I shall go to Scarboro' on Friday. & wait by the seaside till Monday – when I shall more down to Bradford: & return hither on the [inserted] Saturday for a few days. There is a chance & my writing an act for Miss P. Horton: & if so. (fancy!, I shall have £75. for it: in which case, I shall September, I think, at Fontainebleau[?], — pass[?] October in London — & after that, fate & Lady London Lerry[?] only know what may come of me. — I have been obliged to make a complete household change – & have now "a weed[?], who stands about to the height of my elbow & his wife. a busom woman - but as celestial cook – ah! just now, when I can only give cold. potatoe dinners! — They have long wished to perch on my bough — & I know

[2932] both to first. class servants. If you could have had a bit of my sole to day! — I am glad my Ristorisms pleased you. — I liked them. myself; among my doings. I wonder what people will say of my to day's to tomb cutting over Mde Vestris. — "poor woman! - is it not strange that she should have managed to die with every luxury about her! — & yet want, within a very few hours of clutching the whole household! — O, "Second Love," will never be a third love of mine. — Here beginneth the first act a Lady – I am a woman, daughter of my mother. — & amstending where you see me.— Her maid — I am, my Lady's maid — & She is my mistress — & —, she is blind – etc: etc: etc: — Don't betray me — but it is trash

[2932 reverse] +++ has gone to Baden. Baden – but I should fear he will not soon. get his money for his work – Have you heard of the Times taking a moral fit, apropos of "La Piccolonni"? — +++ is a case of Father Cole on the largest scale – +++ (not saints) upturned. – Well: may it be very long before you have as heavy a heart, as your poor +++  correspondents this Saturday night, has — I have no business to write. perhaps, when I am in such plights: but, perhaps. You will forgive it, when you remember, how  living creatures are left to whom I dare or can, or will, discuss my dolours whether in French[?] or English. — Affly yrs

Henry F. Chorley


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


13 Eaton Place West, London, UK

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Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872, “Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Aug 16, 1856,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/505.

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