Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], Jan 26, [no year]

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], Jan 26, [no year]


Actors and Actresses
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Hays, Matilda Mary, 1820-1897
Travel Reports


Cushman writes about traveling and touring in Ireland and England. She is with Matilda Hays and undergoes homeopathy treatment.
As she sends her greetings to Dilberoglue via the addressee, Cushman may have written this letter to Dilberoglue's wife, Sarah Anderton. The letter was most likely written between 1853 and 1856, when Cushman lived and toured in England, together with Hays.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 7:2219-2220





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[2219]  +++ my +++ one. have you begun to think I have forgotten you! No. your letter says not. & I believe you. In the first place Sally has been in distress to know if you ever went for the butter. to the Hotel because I left a note for the landlady & she was to let you have it! I rejoice to hear you are getting on well. & satisfactorily to yourself I have been so thoroughly busy that I have been unable to work & I have been very poorly too with influence. so that my

[2219 reverse] spare time has been shortened by being obliged to be in bed. You know how terrible this is to one actively disposed as I am. & will forgive my not having written. I am getting better under the influence of homeopathy. & hope soon to feel like a new bird. I am leaving here on Tuesday for Limerick where I am going to act for four nights & two in Cork. Then, it is possible that I may go to Belfast & from thence to Scotland. Will you give my best love to Dilberoglue & tell him how much I thank him for the tobacco. I

[2220] often think of him as I am preparing it for use & it was very good of him to send it to me. I wish when he is sending for any more. he would order me some too. for if I go to America for a +++ month. I shall want a quantity: I grieve [?] to hear that he is ill. he is not over strong I think & you must +++ him much. for the good are scarce. I need not tell you though. to value him. I know how much you do so. Ask Wallack to ask Knowles to get a copy of "Cousin Cherry" from town & you play the part. it will do you a great deal of good. It has been played at the Olympic. Thank

[2220 reverse] you for the craps. but dear you make your e's & your r's so alike that sometimes I find them difficult to read. & if they are of a more +++ kind I should be glad. more light [?] & less obscure for the uneducated you understand what I mean I am certain & will let me have such. Forster is very good & +++ he is going to send ours to Liverpool against I go back. Miss Hays sends her best love to you — when I write to Forster I will remember what you wish I will write to Miss Jewsbury sometimes [?] I recollect waiting for six months for a letter from her. My memory is kept green! God bless you. Your ever affectionate [?] xo [?]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


11 Westmoreland Street, Dublin, Ireland

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], Jan 26, [no year],” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/530.

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