Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, May 8, 1860

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, May 8, 1860


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Social Events--Travels
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908
Intimacy--As topic


Emma is with Miss Whitwell who interferes with Emma's traveling plans to see Charlotte. Cushman feels that Whitwell is jealous of Charlotte and Harriet ("Her remarks with regard to your dear friend Miss Cushman are simply womanish spite"). A ring which Emma sent to Charlotte was stolen in the mail. The letter speaks of Charlotte and Emma's love for each other, which is always subject to oberservation by Emma Stebbins and Cushman advises Emma Crow to be careful when they meet to "escape" Stebbins' jealousy.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 1:149-150





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[149] Darling it seems strange to me that you should suffer Miss Whitwell to make terms about your getting four or more days in Paris. That it shall be cut off from this on that sojourn. so as not to cut Switzerland short. One month in Switzerland is all you want & six weeks is all you want in England Scotland & Ireland. so that you will have plenty of time for Paris before sailing. I shall leave London the 1st or 2d of June. so you will have. to the middle of July for your English tour. to the middle of August for your Swiss tour & that will leave you a fortnight in Paris previous to sailing the 1st[?] of September. surely that will suffice. & I do not think you are doing quite justice to your fathers [sic] confidence in you when you suffer Miss Whitwell to interfere in the slightest manner with your plans. I saw all the winter that much of her feeling & indisposition was jealousy of me & of Hattie. & what you have now told me in your two last letters convinces me that I was right. My giving myself infinite trouble to make out your lists of +++ was from no gratification to myself

[149 reverse] but to save you all trouble & loss of time. It fixed your arrivals & departures & left no look pole for indecision. which seemed to me on all accounts necessary. Her remarks with regard to your dear friend Miss Cushman are simply womanish spite. & you should not suffer her to irritate you. simply say I am going to do this & that after consulting with Mary. you are not abroad for Miss Whitwells pleasure—but she is abroad for your convenience! which changes the case very much. her purpose leaves here on the afternoon of the 12"—sleeping at +++ vecchia. having that place on the 13" —if there is a storm we shall certainly not go. but wait for the steamer of the 16". which would bring us to[?] Paris on the 18" at the latest. It does not depend upon myself therefore—but on the storm The moon changes on the 12". so we expect very good weather—we shall see. Hoping to get to Paris on the 15". Hoping to hold you in my arms on that or any day after I live. I do not think Miss Anybody could force me away from any city without seeing you if you were expected there in the course of a week & if Miss Whitwell is able to get you away without seeing me [last three words inserted]. She will be stronger than I think. & you, less clever[?] than

[150] usual. You cannot get done what you want done in these days! Besides you can leave certain +++ then—for work to be finished and ready for you—so that your stay in August will not necessarily be so long: But do as you will. I shall do my utmost to get to Paris by the night of the 15". If I do not—it will not be my fault.—Your dear letters from +++ & +++ have reached me & tell me unmistakably of your love. Bless you bless you for all things! I am so grieved to lose the little black +++ ring. of course it would not be safe in the post although there is no Post office +++ about it. the letter carriers are too needy here & elsewhere perhaps it was stolen at the Hotel in Berm[?]. I am quite sorry to lose any of my darlings love gifts. I will make all enquiries at the Post. I am so glad you are getting on so well without a courier. but I might have known my well[?] that Every one would have been polite & kind to my darling. How will you manage with Ned if Mr Dale is with you. He the latter [last twor words inserted] will guard you like a lynx. though I cannot see why he should be allowed to protect you any more than Ned. Ned will be dreadfully jealous you will see. but you must tell him to be polite & not make an enemy +++ of Mr Dale. but seem to be more [illegible crossed out] to Mary than to you.— If you are compelled to have

[150 reverse] Paris before we do. you will be seeing London & looking forward to my joining you again there—so you will have two opportunities getting me. & then in America we will meet again. God bless you my sweet one I am anxious so anxious to see you. but I shall scold you if you get too excitable. your letters seem to promise that. Remember[?] we cannot be too guarded—for you have very[?] jealous eyes upon you. & I have escaped so well this winter from Mrs Stebbins' jealousy that I should be grieved[?] to awaken it. +++ we must be prudent & we shall be happy I love you. I love you. I love you as you +++ have me. Aunt Emma is in bed where she has been laid up for 48 hours with fearful face ache, from cold. we walked the fields to St Peters on Sunday & she  cold from setting in a draught after. She is troubled for she is anxious to get done +++ things before going away. which this +++ illusion renders impossible. Rome is literally empty every body gone. Yesterday Ned was riding with Miss +++ & her brother. Browning drove[?] with me his birth day.

God bless you—you darling +++

devoted Ladie


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Rome, Italy

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, May 8, 1860,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/536.

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