Letter from Grace Greenwood to John G. Whittier, Sept 9, 1849

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Letter from Grace Greenwood to John G. Whittier, Sept 9, 1849


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Greenwood writes to Whittier about her Greenwood Leaves, the first series is about to be published by Ticknor & Fields. She laments that she is only allowed to include stories but no letters. Ticknor and Fields, however, offered her to publish a second series in which she can include the letters. She confesses that her only wish right now is that the book sells many copies. She does not "not anticipate any increase of reputation" from the stories being published since she is more convinced of the quality of her letters.


New York Public Library


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


NYPL Misc. Personal Name Files, D-Z. MssCol 2016, b. 64, Lippincott





Letter Item Type Metadata


[page 1] Grace Greenwood

[place illegible] Sept 9th 1849

Dear friend— I arrived here safe and sound yesterday forenoon—took dinner and went on up to Boston—for I found by a letter from Fields, which awaited me, that "something must be done pretty +++ quick" as the boy said in the thunder storm.—It seems that in a volume of +++ pages there will only be room for my stories—not a letter can be got in. I +++ I am a little disappointed, as I think my letters more tolerable than my stories; but +++ +++ +++ will consent to having any of the tales omitted. They say however that they will bring out of second series of "Greenwood Leaves" consisting of letters and essays, next summer, which perhaps is the better plan.—I do not anticipate any increase of reputation from the publication now—but if it will sell that is all I want, you know. Mr. Ticknor speaks with the umost confidence of its success. There is to be no portrait, but an illustrated

[page 2] title-page, or something of the sort. I gave your +++ to Fields, and he questioned me much about your +++ +++ —He is quite anxious lest you should give up the idea of the publication how, dear friend I hope you will not do so—I know you can make an admirable book of it, and why on earth you hesitate I cannot conceive I really dont [sic] know how +++  away from +++, when I had been so lazy and happy. I felt greatly depressed in the month, all the way to Lyon I keenly realized that I was a poor "love +++ creature", that "everything went contrairy with".—But I forbear—you will not understand my peculiar +++—I know that you have resolutely steeled your heart against such weaknesses—and I know also that "I feel more than other people do, and show it more. It's my misfortune"— Guess who [illegible crossed out] met [inserted] me in the cars, and escorted me from the station up to Ticknor's, yesterday!— Ah, I see it's no use. You never guess anything—Do you guess, Lizzie.—Think now— who's tall and handsome and smiling and altogether splendid— who looks

[page 3, seems unconnected to previous page, maybe last page as written on the other side of page 4?] It has been my misfortune to have seneral blots get on to my paper from some ink being spilt on the table.—Dont mind them, my friend. they mean respects, and other pleasant sentiments. (Them's [?] hair lines—back then.) It is night—rather late in the night and I feel impressed with the +++  that I should say a few serious and earnest words to my friend, before I slumber. Let me [illegible inserted] solemnly caution you against spending too much of your time with the fascinating +++ against +++ fits—against making fame of Mrs. Bird—against maltreating poor pup[?], as you too frequently do—afflicting her with a tale of sore distress, as though she were but a feline personation of a patient public and in particular against the fault of extravagence—extreme affability hopefulness, mirthfulness and hasty  and inconsiderate confidences. In this time of progress, I have hopes for you yet.—

[page 4] particularly well on the water!—who has a transcendental slouch to his hat, and an unitarian swing to his coal-tails? "Oh, Thomas Higginson!"—Why, you witch, you!—how came you to guess! I am happy to say that his +++ made himself, or rather was quite naturally and easily, very agreeable. I felt well acquainted with him,— but alas, he is not like +++. +++ and a few other pleasant worthy and hospitable men, a +++, hope that you and "the other one" will write to the "love +++ creature" once in a while—when you have nothing  more light and elegant employment— no more sacred duty to perform—no more destitute and deserving colored sister to aid and comfort. Pardon my nonsense—I happen to be "i' the mood", and it must out. I hope that you will take care of yourselves,—I trust that if this chilly weather continues you will not allow to suffer from cold a venerable sybil you +++ of though you in your little faith looked upon her as a  very Trojan on [both words inserted] Cassandra
Best love to your mother and Lizzi
Seriously and faithfully yours

[added in different handwriting: —. G Lippincott "Grace Greenwood"]

John G. Whittier—


Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904


Lynn, Massachusetts

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Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904, “Letter from Grace Greenwood to John G. Whittier, Sept 9, 1849,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/542.

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