Grace Greenwood in Response to New England Festival, undated

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Grace Greenwood in Response to New England Festival, undated


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908
Lippincott, Sara Jane (pseudonym: Grace Greenwood), 1832-1904
United States
Gender Norms


Greenwood emphasizes the role of New England women in US history. Among others, she mentions, Stowe, Cushman, and Hosmer as examples of especially noteworthy New England women.
One part of the article was printed as "Products of New England," in the Lowell Daily Citizen and News, March 30, 1871.


New York Public Library





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At the New England Festival in Washington, on the 22d ult., our distinguished countrywoman and correspondent, Grace Greenwood, was called upon to respond to the following toast:
"New England Women--Efficient as schoolmarm, delicious as sweethearts, unrivaled as wives, incomparable as mothers; their devotion, their energy, their love have made New England men what they are."
Her speech was so good that we cannot resist the temptation to print it:
Mr. President:--As this is not only Forefathers', but Foremothers' day, I recognize the propriety of a woman being invited to respond to this sentiment. [...]
I shall not presume to speak for those grand women of 1620 who, in their frail little ship, dared that wintry voyage for the men they loved and the faith they adored--an undertaking that, without that love and that faith, would have seemed like letting go of the dear old pianet itself, and launching out into infinite distance, darkness, and cold. Their immortality is secure--a sacred legacy is their heroic and blessed memory. [Applause.] [...]
How many of the greatest women of our time has New England nurtured? Maria Mitchell, who nightly reads the illuminated missal of the heavens, as we read the daily papers, and with far more profit; Harriet Beecher Stowe, whom nobody can write down--not even she herself; Charlotte Cushman, who while she kept the English stage was the grandest actress on it; Harriet Hosmer, whose name is carved in marble; and Ida Lewis, whose "name is writ in water," and yet is imperishable. [...]


NYPL Misc. Personal Name Files, D-Z. MssCol 2016, b. 64, Lippincott

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“Grace Greenwood in Response to New England Festival, undated,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024,

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