Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mrs. Clevland [Clinland?/Clenland?], Oct 2, 1871

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mrs. Clevland [Clinland?/Clenland?], Oct 2, 1871


Actors and Actresses--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Social Events


Facing a return to the stage, Cushman finds herself very busy again. She hardly participates in social gatherings anymore. However, she is willing to make an exception for a critic from the Tribune.


Armstrong Browning Library - Victorian Letters


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Baylor University, Armstrong Browning Library, Victorian Letters, Digital Collection





Letter Item Type Metadata


[page 1] Dear Mrs. Cleveland[?]
Your sweet & welcome note gave me great pleasure. I should have answered it before – but that I am much pressed for time. In returning to the stage for a brief period – after my invalid life of the last two years. I am obliged to husband all the strength I have, & to that end, I am shutting

[page 2] myself from all social temptations & enjoyments – breakfasting late going out for a drive in the park immediately after (at 11 ½) then I get out of the carriage & take as long a walk as I can – then get into my carriage & get back home here by 2 ½. I dine at 3 – and at 4 ½ go regularly to bed – shutting my eyes & darkening my room to get either repose of mind & body, before going to my work at 6 ½ . I give you all these prosaic details, that 

[page 3] you may see I go myself to no social delights. At the same time I should be greatly pleased to trust Mr. Greely & any friends of yours who would find pleasure in seeing me & being engaged next Sunday evening the 8th & the following Sunday 15. – I shall – if it is agreeable to you hold myself engaged to you for Sunday 22? I should particularly like to meet the writer of the article in the Tribune on Henry 8th. So Sweet & true a mind must 

[page 4] have "a goodly outside" & I should be very glad to go ask the hand of so cultivated a critic. With my best love to your daughter & yourself
Believe me dear Mrs. Clevland
Yours very affy
Charlotte Cushman


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


128 E. 16 St [NYC?]

Geocode (Latitude)


Geocode (Longitude)


Location (Recipient)

12. Cottage Place N. York

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mrs. Clevland [Clinland?/Clenland?], Oct 2, 1871,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/602.

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