Don Piatt Speaking in Favor of Logan, Daily Memphis Avalanche, June 3, 1877

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Don Piatt Speaking in Favor of Logan, Daily Memphis Avalanche, June 3, 1877


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


The article reports that Piatt speaks up for Logan who "is charged with having fabricated a story about a love affair between Conrad B. Clarke and the great Charlotte."
Apparently, it is not known at that time that Celia Logan was Conrad B. Clarke's wife from 1852 to 1859. Clarke died in 1859.



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Don Piatt comes to the front in aid of Celia Logan, regarding her recent story of Charlotte Cushman's lover, and says: "Unlike Frank Pierce, who, when his friend a tumbled in Goose Creek, at Washington, and called on him for assistance, replied, 'I can't help you out, my dear fellow, but I'll come in and stay with you.' I don't want a seat ou the hornet's nest, but l believe I can help Celia. She is charged with having fabricated a story about a love affair, between Conrad P. Clarke and the great Charlotte, in which Mrs. Conrad B. took a part, as wives are wont to do, much to the wrath and disgust of their husbands. Mrs. B. Conrad raided Charlotte, and told her to let her (Mrs. Conrad's) husband alone, which "Lady Macbeth" did severely. Upon this the male tragedian took to drink, and went to the bed. Now, I believe there was nothing but a wife's jealousy as a foundation for the raid, and that Conrad B. needed no cause for his habitual intoxication. It strikes me that the surviving friends and relatives of the departed Cushman ought not to object to the discovery of a womanly heart in the great genius. The tendency to make impossible beings out of the departed great, so peculiarly American, is not the best taste. It does not lessen one's love or admiration of the famous actress to know that she had a little romance in her ambitious life, and while devoting it to her exacting art, found it stirred by the tender passion at times."


Memphis, TN, US

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“Don Piatt Speaking in Favor of Logan, Daily Memphis Avalanche, June 3, 1877,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 22, 2024,

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