Barrett's Lecture "Charlotte Cushman" (1889)
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Barrett's Lecture "Charlotte Cushman" (1889)
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
A Lecture by L. Barrett, with an Appendix Containing a Letter from Joseph N. Ireland
The quote from Barrett given in Waters's biography of Cushman shows that Barrett was a great admirer of Cushman.
The quote from Barrett given in Waters's biography of Cushman shows that Barrett was a great admirer of Cushman.
Barrett, Lawrence
The Dunlap Society
Auto/Biography Item Type Metadata
Secondary Texts: Comments
"The following letter was written by Mr. Lawrence Barrett : — 'Charlotte Cushman is dead. Before the shock of this news has passed away it cannot be improper to re call to her professional brethren the great loss we sus tain by this sudden departure. Afier a long life of toil, laden with years and honors, she sleeps at last. That crown which she has worn for so many years undisputed now lies upon a coffin beside which a whole nation will mourn. The world contained no greater spirit, no nobler woman. Her genius filled the world with admiration, and the profession which she adorned and ruled must long await her successor. This is not the place, nor is mine the pen, to write her history; larger space and abler hands will see that duty performed. These lines are traced by one who loved her living, and weeps for her now dead. Her career is an incentive and an example to all the workers in our noble art. A woman of genius, industrious and religious, her best education was obtained within the circle of her calling. Almost masculine in manner, there was yet a gentleness in her which only her intimates could know. The voice which crooned the lullaby of the Bertram: so touchingly came from a heart as gentle as infancy. To all who labor in the realms of art, and to my profession most especially, the loss of this day will be a severe one. Bigotry itself must stand abashed before the life of our dead Queen, whose every thought and act were given for years to an art which ignorance and envy have battled against in vain for centuries. To her, our Queen, we say: 'Peace and farewell ! We shall not look upon her like again.''" (Waters 145-146)
Social Bookmarking
Barrett, Lawrence, “Barrett's Lecture "Charlotte Cushman" (1889),” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed September 15, 2024,