Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, July 5, 1858

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, July 5, 1858


Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Once again, Charlotte confesses her love to Emma very explicitly. Her letter is written in the night between July 4 and July 5, 1858. Cushman explains to Emma why Emma often does not hear from the actress for weeks. Charlotte emphasizes the importance of Emma's studying and improving, which will enable her to become a respected member of society.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 1:51-52





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[51] Thanks. Thanks my own dear thoughtful "little love" for the kind sweet thought of sending me your ambrotype - which reached me yesterday afternoon in company with a darling little note. which made my heart glad. Your picture is [underlined twice] like you. my own pet. but is not +++ by any means. It has a dear anxious look which I have seen you wear sometimes. & which I would +++ +++ away - but cannot! I am so glad to have it - The little thing on +++ +++ from my +++ is prettier than this. & +++ that it makes you look a dark instead of a fair [underlined] darling. is more like. but this will be comfort to me when I wish to recall the features which seem to me now, indelibly slamped upon my heart. I do not fear that +++ will have any +++ upon them & may you if you love me to banish any such wicked thought from your

[reverse] mind. I love you very dearly my own darling. & believe that I shall ever do so. will you +++ to believe this also. & so find a comfort in your love for me instead of a sorrow! You are so young dear "little love" mine. +++ +++ which must elapse +++ I can see you again- will be as nothing to you.  ++ as it will mature & upon all your +++ & +++ - will you think as much of me - love me as well then as now. I will believe & hope so. it will soon pass to you. if you seek to improve yourself in all ways. & this you must [underlined] do - for you are ambitious & you are clever. you must make yourself able to converse with all people on all subjects. to do this you will be +++ to read & study much. This will occupy much of your time & the love of study & improvement will grow upon you the more you know & the more you find yourself valued for your abilities ["&" crossed out] acquirements accomplishments - & you will find a pleasure in it. Knowing what a

[52] delight it will be to me to find you improved when I do [underlined] see you. The disappointment to me in you not coming to New York is more than I like to confess to myself or you or paper [underlined]. suffice it, if by any mortal means I could have reached New Port [Newport], I should have done so [last five words underlined]. You misunderstood me very slightly my darling. I said or meant had I have known before my +++ +++ to as made that I should not see you in New York before my leaving. I would not have consented to act those two last nights on Monday & Tuesday - but would have come to you. When I did know you would not come it was then too late & my +++ agreement was made from wh I could not be released. - Darling mine the [?] hard words must be said. They would have been softened to me. had I been allowed to press them upon your lips - but perhaps it is better for you that it was not suffered. at least I will +++ to think so. & so find some

[reverse] comfort. God ever bless you. my darling & make you happy in every way. I will think of you very fondly & lovingly & constantly. I will write to you whenever I possibly can. but you must never doubt my love for you if circumstances prevent my writing as often as you wish to hear. I love you. I love you! [last six words underlined] Goodbye tomorrow is a busy day. Tuesday +++ more so. & Wednesday I sail. Therefore I may not find time to send you even one word more. God bless you my darling love me & believe in me! Good bye. You ask me why I cannot get a letter from me under four weeks [bot words underlined]. It will take me two weeks to go. & two weeks for a letter to come. & a weeks interval after +++ +++ so you cannot hear before four weeks I am very tired my darling +++. & to bid. I kiss your pretty soft loving eyes & hands. and [?] am ever faithfully lovingly your faithful "ladie love"
Goodbye my darling


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Staten Island, NY

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Location (Recipient)

Newport, RI

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, July 5, 1858,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/83.

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