Letter from Isa Blagden to Charlotte Cushman, July [1], 1869

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Letter from Isa Blagden to Charlotte Cushman, July [1], 1869


Blagden, Isabella "Isa", 1816?-1873
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Isa Blagden regrets that Charlotte Cushman has been in bad health recently. She suggests that Cushman should have a blood transfusion to attempt to improve her condition and points out that Cushman's cancer may be inherited.
Blagden has also enclosed an article she wrote and hopes that Cushman likes the sketch Blagden included of her.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 


Blagden, Isabella "Isa", 1816?-1873


LoC, CCP 9: 2637-2638





Letter Item Type Metadata


[2637] My dearest C.C.
I am anxious not having heard from one of you since you left. How is it with you? I almost hope this letter will be forwarded after you and that you are at this very moment +++ health as I +++ on the +++ far away from this burning old Europe. How I wish dear C.C. l could be your doctor, would[?] I just dose you with portwine, milk, glycerine taken internally raw eggs succulent meats and above all with your sedative in the fashion of a kiss or two every time you were going[?] to

[2637 reverse] excile[?, sic] yourself. It is all very fine to torture you externally
What you want is internal replenishment of blood. I will maintain in the teeth[?] of all the Drs in the world that never was sweeter blood than yours never certainly a sweeter breath and all those things are so much in your favour. all the people who have had maladies of the nature you fear have had sweet sound +++, and +++ [inserted] less than all such pure +++ health as yours & I have known several. . Journeys[?] of condition[?] blood +++ by too much exhausting fatigue bodily or mentally

[2638] or heartily [?]. May cause something what looks like it, and which where there is a fear from inherited misfortune of such a disease may confirm the suspicion that it is but it is not the thing. a friend of mine whose maternal [inserted] grand mother died of cancer, whose father was very scrupulous, had a tumour which +++ her to death and she had it cut out. She was ill for a long time but finally got quite well and has had several children since. And her inherited blood was full of disease on the paternal side and or[?] the maternal was the fact. It is all very +++ & uncertain but good blood does not +++ itself and yours is sweet blood only you have tried to diminish it too

[2638 reverse] much. Please eat and drink & Do not be tortured in any way. I wish I could have managed to get to England this year so as to have had a peep at you as I had when you were so ill at Boston. Sometimes wish I could give you some of my steel. partly in my veins partly in my head. I saw Miss +++ for a day or two. and she was coming[?] again but the plans have changed finally. The Bronsons[?] +++ leading her but Mrs B's illness prevented it[?] Here is an article of mine on in all its +++ in July I forgot the date which I should +++ you to send, it is called A +++ a +++ and I do hope that my sketch of you & +++ written last autumn will meet your eye somewhere in America but I +++ it to +++ a to post[?] and she posted[?] it without registering +++
I fear it is lost!!!! – If not you must [?] see what +++ compliments I pay you
I say +++ was is [inserted] a good wife & good mother but C.C. +++

[added on 2637 at the top] especially the friend of women the one woman whose hand has always reachout & support the feebler[?] poorer[?] ones of her own sex
How is Emma S. & Emma C. - of course you have been to the +++,
always your affecate [affectionate]
Loves to Emmas both.
they and to Sally [last four words inserted]

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Blagden, Isabella "Isa", 1816?-1873, “Letter from Isa Blagden to Charlotte Cushman, July [1], 1869,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/884.

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