Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr. Child, June 23, 1871

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr. Child, June 23, 1871


Political Affairs
Gender Norms
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman was pleased by students' speeches at the commencement at Vassar College. In this context, she adds her thoughts on women's suffrage:
"I want every woman & every man who earns the money which pays hers [sic] or his rent & knows how to read write & cypher. & every man & woman who pays taxes — to have a vote. & I would not give a vote to another soul."


Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Lisa Unger Baskin Collection, Box 176, Rubenstein, Duke University





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[page 1] Dear friend.
Many many thanks for the Donkey intelligence which to all that is nescessary[sic]. Your letter has given Miss Stebbins & me. a good hearty laugh for which we thank you. as well as for the letter. Most surely. if I come to Boston to see the Dr. I will make [illegible crossed out] +++ [inserted] known to you & not go through without making a sign. I heard from a lady whom I met at the commencement at

[page 2] Vassar College yesterday (& when by the bye this mornings [sic] Harald reports me as having +++ on sardines & pickles with Maria Mitchell the astronomer, not true as to sardines or pickles. neither of which can [inserted] I eat)
That Mr +++ had been away from home returned only on Thursday & was quite poorly. from some imprudence in changing his clothes too early in the season. so that may account for his not having answered my letter about the wind mills — but I have written again to day & asked for the information. If you had asked me. I should have pushed

[page 3] him to get the information for me, when I was there: Depend upon its [sic] when you want information. Simply[?] a woman. though I dont [sic] believe in +++ woman suffrage. I believe in women! & so would you if you could have seen all the pretty ones I did yesterday. & heard the essays of the graduates. I assure you it was rather like going to the foundations of things & changing them a little. I want every woman & every man who earns the money which pays hers [sic] or his rent & knows how to read write & cypher. & every man & woman who pays taxes — to have a vote. & I would not give a vote to another soul. Why cant [sic] we have that all arranged after that fashion? How delightful to think that we shall

[page 4] see a baby donkey. & baby grayhounds in September. I wish it might be true about our Donkey. but I fear. She is allright [sic] has a fancy for going on three legs & using the other to brush the flies off. which has to be subdued by a "gentle reminder": but she is a good little thing. They keep her in a nice little house all by herself & +++ her out three hours every morning to get grass: should they give her any oats? I dont [sic] know any of the Yacht +++ that I am aware of. & yet I may. Perhaps I may be with you when the race comes of — would you like it or shall you be full. you must make no ceremony with me. You shall hear from me as soon as I hear from Mr +++ meanwhile. believe me ever faithfully
Your Charlotte Cushman 


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hyde Park, NY, US

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr. Child, June 23, 1871,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/919.

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